chapter 5: getting consciounsness of the powers

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Krafft (Author): little spoiler: finally you'll see your powers. Enjoy now :)

Y/n PoV:

So now I was on the rooftop. The purpose was to see if something weird happened to me that gave me power. I also had a mirror just in case I transform into whatever. That voice said Beelzebub, so the first thing that came on my mind was this

Y/n: Kelala kemadoh vatavoh hamaim bekirboh vehasemen beitsmotav. Hence, with six legs, six joints and six wings. The sands of the spring sea, and the stars of the heavens alike, shall be devoured by evil insects that answere the king's call and gather in the right place. And with all blood and torment, even the name of God shall be at my mercy! Consume away, devour forth and fill all! Come to me, Gogmagog!!

But no insects came. Damn

Y/n: ok I can't use Gogmagog equation

A bird lands infront of Y/n

Y/n: ok let's try this

I pointed my hand at the bird

Y/n: Beelzebub!!

Nothing happened

Y/n: ok I'm not a slime


In the giant airship located at 15000 meters of height, there was Kotori that was dumbfounded at what Y/n was doing

Kotori: just... what he fuck

Kannazuki: I guess Anime must have done something to his mind

Kotori: he probably hit head somewhere. Anyway Reine, have you discovered why the whole earth went to sleep or got knocked out 7 days ago?

Reine: not yet. But apparently it doesn't seem being a spirit

Kotori: then what could it be?

Reine: we are still making researches about that

Kotori: I see. Anyway, we should focus on Shido, not on Y/n


Third person PoV:

After you literally tried more than 200 anime attacks including those from Visual Novels and Light Novels you lost hope that you have some kind of power. But still you wanted to try, but you decided to do it somewhere else. As you was leaving you heard someone calling you

??: hey Y/n do you have a moment to talk?

You turned around to see Shido

Y/n: oh my god, a rare occasion where he doesn't spend time with his harem!

You looked at the readers throught the 4th wall

Y/n: so today I'll show you all a weird behave of the Itsukasus Shidosus

Krafft (Author): Et arma et verba vulnerant Et arma. Fortuna amicos conciliat inopia amicos probat-

Y/n: sorry but please not that!!

Krafft (Author): you better not breaking the wall. Anos and Ghidorah already did it too much

Y/n: sorry Krafft-kun
Shido: were you insulting me?!

Lord of flies (Date a Live x depressed, neglected and abused male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang