The Symptoms Of Dejection

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Dec. 14, 1994

Author's P.O.V.

Downhearted, Jalisa lay in her Paisley chamber as photographs of her partner's double betrayal plagued her mind. Her despair is nothing comparable to being hit by a car or stabbed in the back. The depressed woman dragged herself into the bathroom and sat in the tub as the water began to fill.

Meanwhile, The Artist was in his studio laying down tracks when his head of security came in to inform him that the band has arrived and are waiting in the soundstage.

"Has Jalisa made her way to the soundstage?" The Artist asked.

"No, sir, she hasn't." Wilt replied.

He sighed before telling Wilt, "Tell 'em to start warming up."

"Yes, sir." Wilt replied before he went out.

The Artist assumed Jalisa was still in bed when he left in the morning. Jalisa was not in bed when he reached the room. He moves on to open the bathroom door, assuming she's in there, only to find it locked. The Artist began knocking on the door and calling her name, but he got no reply.  He goes to grab the keys to open the door, assuming this is just another one of her ruses to get away from him. Upon opening the door, The Artist is appalled to find Jalisa submerged in the bathtub. He quickly removes the unconscious woman from the tub and attempts to wake her.

"Jalisa?! Jalisa?!" He desperately calls her name. "Jalisa, please!"


The Artist P.O.V.

It's all my fault

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It's all my fault. How could I be so stupid? I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted her to love me.

"Sir? Sir!" Wilt called repeatedly, waking me out of my daze. "The doctor  said we can see her now."

As Wilt and I followed the doctor out of the waiting room, we were taken to one of the hospital rooms where Jalisa was placed. As I watched her lying there with breathing tubes in her nose, my heart ached with regret. When I asked if she could leave tonight, they told me that she'd be discharged sometime tomorrow. In the midst of the tears, I reached for Jalisa's hand and kissed it. I cradled her hand against my face as I apologized sadly.

Upon Jalisa's discharge the next morning, I was anxious to get her back to Paisley.My rehearsals have been postponed so I can care for her. While I carried her to our bedroom, she didn't say anything to me.

"Sir," Wilt knocked on the door. "Tabitha Daniels is here."

"Tell her Jalisa's resting."

"She actually came to talk to you, sir." Wilt disclosed.

I stepped out the bedroom to see what Tabitha want to talk to me about before having Wilt to keep a close eye on Jalisa.

"What is it?" I questioned her.

She responded, "I wanted to know, before I tell you, was Kelvin there reason she tried to kill herself?"

"What are you getting at?"

"What I'm getting at is, this wasn't her first attempt and that son of a b**** was the reason."

"What did he do?" I inquired, seeking an answer.

"Jalisa was three months pregnant with her and Kelvin's first kid before she arrived here two years ago; however, she miscarried after catching him in bed with an old friend of hers. She's been depressed ever since, and she didn't tell her family since she's still upset about her father remarrying after her mother died. Surprisingly, by focusing on her work, she was able to recover."

"And she took him back after all that?"

"Yes, she did. He promised never to do it again, and she believed him."

"Well, she's definitely going forget about that punk now after she saw pictures of him with two other women and one of them happened to be her stepmother she despised."

"He's sleeping with Vanessa?" Tabitha gasped in disbelief. "That b******. What about the other woman?"

"She's the mother of his child and due the age of the kid in the photograph, she probably the same woman that Jalisa caught with him like you mentioned."

Not just Tabitha, but many others were repulsed by the idea that Jalisa ended up in this situation as a result of Chump's adultery. Though he was wrong to deceive her and break her heart, I was also wrong for throwing it in her face, among other things.

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