𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 | Recovering

Start from the beginning

"...jo. Gojo. Gojo!" Shoko snapped him out of his memories. "I asked you to come give me a hand."

"Yes, sorry." He made his way to Shoko's side between Y/N and Fushiguro's beds. While the doctor gave him instructions and medicines to bring to Kugisaki and Itadori he studied Megumi's peaceful face. Shoko had told him Fushiguro was the only one awake when Panda dropped them off. He'd been able to give her a basic description of events before the medicine carried him to dreamland.


Fushiguro stood at the top of a large hill. Fields of green grasses and flowers rolled in the soft wind beneath him. The sun cast a golden sheen on the world for as far as he could see. He observed this strange place for what felt like hours before he heard a faint voice calling out his name.

His eyes instantly met hers as he turned around to locate the voice. A huge grin bloomed across her face and she kept running towards him. Just as she neared the top of the hill and reached out for him, she slipped and fell. Fushiguro chased after her and grabbed her hand.

Instead of letting him help her up, Y/N pulled him down into the grass and they rolled down the hill together just like little children in elementary school. Fushiguro felt his cheeks heating up and he watched her laugh and pick flowers at the bottom of the hill. She handed him a bundle of red and white flowers.

The flowers smelled like heaven and she smelled like flowers. She extended her free hand to him, inviting him to take it. He reached out to accept her offer but his hand went right through hers.

She disappeared faster than he could blink his eyes. The golden sun faded away and the flowers in his hand wilted, mourning her departure.




Y/N jolted awake at his shout. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up properly in the chair she'd pulled up to the side of his bed.


His eyes locked on her and he reached his hand out to feel hers. Y/N was perplexed by his peculiar behavior but chalked it up to the medicine that was still wearing off. His hand squeezed hers ever so slightly. Turning away and hoping he wouldn't see her blush, she called out to Shoko to inform her that Fushiguro was awake.

He slowly sat up in bed with Y/N's help and allowed the doctor to inspect how his injuries were healing. The majority of his cuts had been healed, but the area where his stomach had been pierced would need a few days to fully recover.

Shoko released the two first years after a few more tests each with a warning to be careful. The pair walked silently out the door, not wanting to wake up Maki from her rest.

Y/N winced as the bright sunset hit her eyes. She'd gotten used to the dark and quiet atmosphere of Shoko's infirmary and adjusting to the vivid colors was a shock. Fushiguro waited for her to regain her bearings before they began the walk back to the students' wing of the school.

Silence between Fushiguro and Y/N was typically peaceful and natural, but the same couldn't be said in this case. As they neared the end of their walk, Fushiguro just blurted out his thoughts.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Shock mixed with sorrow on his face. He looked like he couldn't believe he'd actually said the words out loud.

Y/N was relieved he had been the first to talk and was quick to reassure him.

"Fushiguro, you did nothing wrong. We both did what we could."

"But still-"

"No buts. Remember what you said about the Todo situation? No guilt."

Safe With You | 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now