"Please, Yello!"


"Take my clothes off of me!" Boosfer begged. "They aren't comfortable-"

"Why would I do that?" Yello teased. Boosfer whimpered at his response.

Yello got faster ignoring Boosfer begging. Yello moaned in Boosfer's ear when he started to complain again. It shut him up at least. Or it might not have been the moan, but the pace Yello sat.

Boosfer tried speaking but couldn't focus. All his thoughts faded away as he moaned on and on.

Yello pressed with his whole body the other man flat and hard against the wall.

"Orh~! It feels so good~" Boosfer whined with a way too open mouth.

Boosfer came on the wall with a long and high-pitched moan. Yello came right after and quickly pulled himself out when done, leaving Boosfer still clenched to the wall.

Yello turned off the water and stepped away from Boosfer. He stood there until Boosfer moved.

Yello quickly realized the man was shaking. Yello shook a bit himself because of the cold. He stepped closer.

Boosfer pushed himself off the wall and turned around. They made eye contact but none of them spoke. They were both panting.

After a few seconds that felt like minutes, they turned and took the rest of their clothes off.

"Let's not do that again," Boosfer said behind Yello. Yello felt his heart drop. Yeah. It had felt so so so wrong but so fricking good at the same time. He could do it again if Boosfer was up for it.

Both turned on a shower and cleaned themselves. None of them looked at the other while doing so.

Once done Boosfer found what was needed: a towel and clean, dry clothes.

They soon found themselves in front of the exit once again. This time they walked out and sat in a car.

Boosfer was driving and Yello sat in the back with his wrists tied in front of him. It was for safety reasons, Boosfer had said but Yello knew how to get away even in this situation. It could potentially kill Boosfer in the attempt in two ways. One where Yello could get killed himself too.

Yello wanted to try it as he had never done it, but the thought of getting himself killed in the attempt kept him from doing it.

He just had to get the rope around Boosfer's throat and strangle him. If tough enough it could break his neck, but the car would surely crash, and they could both end up dying.

Yello waited. He told Boosfer where to go and soon told him to stop. People filled the streets, but Boosfer didn't mind when pulling Yello out of the car.

People could easily see Yello's hands tied together. But no one said a word or looked funny at them as Boosfer wore clothes that suited cops and other people with the power to tie others up.

Yello was told to find the place he had found Kier and Dev. Yello led the man to an alley. There was nobody there. What had Boosfer expected? That they would show up at the same place they were kidnapped and driven to a place to be sexually abused?

This might not be the place, but that Boosfer thought he could find them the same place-

Yello was sure of it. In the corner of his eyes across the street, he saw Dev. He was walking slowly. Understandable, Yello thought.

He had to lead Boosfer away from here. They were going to waste hours on this. Let time pass faster! Yello begged.

"Come here~" Boosfer said as he walked into the alley. Yello saw a smile play on his face.

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