The waiter led them, bringing two menus with him. As Kier and Dev sat down the waiter gave them the menus.

Kier and Dev started looking at the menu and the waiter left them. Both their gazes met each other.

"Let's order meat from a dinosaur," Dev said.

"I want a T-Rex leg," Kier said. Both looked seriously at the other but both had a grin making it not as intense.

"I want the wings of some flying one."

"I actually want the tail."

"What about the spine and the sail from a Spinosaurus?" Dev asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"What about a drink?" Kier smiled.

"What kind of drink?"

"A glass of blood...-"

"With eyes in it," Dev chimed in. Kier nodded and laughed softly.

"You are so dumb," Kier laughed. Dev laughed with him.

"I think it would be impossible to get any food from dinosaurs," Dev said laughing. "We should go for zebras and the flesh of alligators!"

"Yeah, yeah," Kier said, smiling wide and rolling his eyes.

After a few minutes, they saw the same waiter as before walking up to them.

The waiter smiled as he asked what they wanted. Kier looked the waiter dead in the eyes and said:

"I want the blood from my enemies and the wings of an eagle." The waiter looked terrified and confused at Kier. The waiter's gaze met Dev.

Both Kier and Dev looked seriously at him. His eyes trailed quickly back to Kier.

"Y-yes, Sir," the waiter said and bowed down his torso. The waiter turned and quickly fumbled away.

"What the heck was that!?" Dev said quietly to Kier after a few moments. "I didn't even get to say anything! And he just left saying 'yes'!"

"Just calm down and pause for a sec-" Kier stopped talking when someone behind the desk made eye contact with him. The waiter stood beside the man behind the desk. The man wore a suit with a dark-striped yellow tie.

Dev's stomach grumbled and he groaned.

"Why did we do this? Couldn't we just have ordered something normal?" Dev said. He looked in the direction Kier looked and saw a man in a suit come closer.

Is he the business owner? Dev thought. The man stopped at their table. He placed his hands on the table looking at the two.

"Gentlemen, would you please follow me." The man in the suit turned around. Kier and Dev stood up making eye contact with each other, thinking they had messed up badly. We're probably gonna get thrown out, they thought.

They went to a closed door. Maybe it's to the toilets or another way out of the restaurant, they thought.

As the man opened the door, they saw the waiter inside a hallway. The waiter smiled and turned to walk along with them.

"Where are we going?" Dev asked.

"You should know that damn well, agent," the man in the suit said softly without looking at him. Agent! What!? Both Kier and Dev thought. The waiter in front turned for a moment to look at Dev.

"I think this is a misunderstanding," Dev said and then told them that he was no agent. The businessman turned to look at Dev. His gaze traveled to Kier. The waiter did the same.

"Who ordered?" The man in the suit asked, still looking at both Kier and Dev.

"That would be him, Sir," the waiter said, looking at Kier. "He would be agent B44B1U," the waiter said, locking eyes with Kier.

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