75 Followers: Q&A!

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I asked everyone to post some questions for me to answer. Now without further ado, my responses!

From @Raven_Li

"Do you prefer cats, dogs, birds, or frogs?"

This is a really hard question for me, because I love all animals with all my heart! If I had to choose, I would probably pick cats. I know it's a cliche answer, but I adore their fluffy coats and sweet purrs! I'm hoping to adopt a kitten once I get my own apartment.

From @0264Dragon

"Who is your favorite singer?"

I have a lot of variety with my music. If I had to choose, there's no better than cupkkake in my opinion. I may not be a fan of their Spongebob-themed music, but they have written a lot of popular songs including "cpr", "crayons", and "LGBT".

From @0264Dragon

"Do you like dragons or unicorns?  (This is a life or death question)."

When I was younger I was super into the MLP franchise, and even taught myself how to draw in the same art style. Now that I'm older though, I'd have to say dragons. I admire their power, money, and most importantly- complete seclusion from humanity.

From @WhiteWarg100

"What is your biggest dream?"

Another tough question. My biggest dream may seem a little strange, but I want to be a professor of psychology at a university! Everything about it appeals to me.
A little bonus dream is one I've been having since I turned four: the ability to fly. I fly in my dreams almost every night, and have learned to control my motions and give myself a smooth flight. (Probably the result of my psychology research).

From @w4stedbandages

"When is your birthday?"

My birthday is actually very special to me, because I was born on July 7th of 2007. Which makes my birthday 07/07/07. I can never go to a doctor's appointment without at least one "lucky birthday" or "that must be easy to remember" comment.

From @Raven_Li

"What are your best and worst subjects in school?"

For this question, I actually had to take a look at my report card for the past year. My best subject over all is Biology (with a 97.2%), and my worst is Advanced US History (With a 72%). Which makes a lot of sense to me, because I love studying biology but struggle to remember the dates and times of historical events.

From @0624Dragon

"What is your favorite book?"

This is a really difficult question for me, because I read a LOT. There are two contenders for this position, actually. Number one is Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six", which I read when I was in middle school and ended up purchasing a copy of. The second is Robin Cook's "Fatal Cure", a medical thriller that baffled me.

From @0624Dragon

"Do you prefer dogs or cats?"

...don't tell my dog, Emma, but I prefer cats. She's just a bit too energetic for me, and literally taller than me when she stands up. My kitten, Loki (who I had to give to a shelter after I found out my little siblings had been throwing around), was a very chill cat and enjoyed being a chin rest while I played Minecraft.

From @0624Dragon

"What is your biggest regret?"

Another super tough question. The answer to this would probably be dating my ex, (REDACTED). (REDACTED) was very self-involved and refused to give me so much as the time of day. I later found out that she wasn't really trying at all to date me properly, and didn't care much for any pain I was going through. Our dates would basically boil down to her playing single player Minecraft for hours at a time after handing me a lego set she wanted built. We dated for a year and nine months, the most time I've ever wasted on a person who didn't care.

From @LitteralScarletGuard

"What is your favorite show?"

I watch a lot of TV, and I'm not afraid to admit it. My favorite cartoon styled show is "Centaurworld" (A fruity as hell show revolving around a horse and her rider). My favorite live action show is "The Good Place", a story revolving around the adventures of a woman who was wrongfully sent to the show's version of heaven rather than hell. I cannot pick a favorite anime, because I love them all.

That's all for the Q&A! Once I reach 100 follows you can expect a part two, along with whatever the follower reward is decided to be.

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