Prologue Act 3: Song of The Dragon and Freedom

Start from the beginning

"Yes! So what shall we be doing?" He smiles, as he had hoped that Lumine had prepared herself.

The camera cuts to them running around Mondstadt's walls, and Lumine is about to run out of breath as Boboiboy himself is already ahead of her without switching to his elements. "B... BOBOIBOY, SLOW DOWN!!!" She shouts at him as she is very tired of running around the walls two times.

"Nope!! You gotta keep running, Lumine!!" He shouts as he increases his speed to keep up the pace, which Lumine is very, very sad to see.

The audience was chuckling that Lumine couldn't keep up with the regular Boboiboy. Razor is impressed by how much Boboiboy can run with that distance, to which he turns to Lumine and is unimpressed. "You seriously need more training after this." Bennett nods, agreeing with Razor on this one.

Kaeya nods, as he agrees with this. "Try to train more in your free time, Honorary Knight." He tells her, which causes her to be humiliated, that she has to be trained more after this is done.

"Can I join?" Noelle raised her hand voluntarily. "It will benefit my knightly training."

"The more, the merrier! Sure!" Boboiboy approved, giving her a thumbs-up.

After the last lap, Lumine was very exhausted as she couldn't keep up with Boboiboy anymore. He was barely tired from all of that running, which caused her to cry in shame. "Why are you so powerful than anyone else?"

"Hey, come on! We still have some more training left before we head to the winery." She was even more sad that there was more training left, which caused her to be devastated.

The camera cuts to them being somewhere near a forest, where they find themselves in a... weird... stance. "Boboiboy, is this even training?" She asked herself as she was embarrassed to find herself held in place in this stance.

"Yup! We're still training." He said while chuckling as he found it funny that he wasn't alone on this.

"What kind of position are we in exactly?" She questions.

"Oh, it's called the Horse Stance." He answered with a straight face.

Lumine (and the audience) did a spit-take on that answer. "A-A Horse Stance?!"

Most of the audience lost themselves as Boboiboy and Lumine found themselves in a position called the Horse Stance. They saw the position itself really now look like a horse thanks to Boboiboy's answer, which embarrassed Lumine herself greatly.

Paimon was laughing from seeing Lumine in that stance as she took this as revenge for calling her emergency food and seeing her as a baby like Boboiboy.

"Heh, I'd say you can have this vengeance from her." Boboiboy was alarmed that Eula would say that.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Amber came in to not confuse Boboiboy, "She means revenge, not like an actual vengeance." He nods, though he doesn't find the answer to be... making any sense.

'I have to be in that stance? No matter, I will join in anyway!' Noelle thought as she didn't care if she were in Lumine's position, this was just training as Boboiboy said.

As they continued holding the stance, Boboiboy realized that he had forgotten something. "Oh, Lumine! Don't forget to make a horse sound!" Lumine's jaw drops to the floor as she doesn't expect that Boboiboy's training needs her to do a horse sound.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Pfft!! Ahahaha, a-a horse sound?!" Itto was laughing that Boboiboy's training forced her to do a horse sound.

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