A slow day at work

Start from the beginning

He rolled his eyes and thought 'whatever' he would just throw away the paper before anyone could see it. He started sketching one person then another. The two figures met on the drawing in several ways. He didn't make it too detailed not even adding the usual components a male body should have but the positions left not too much to the imagination. He drew the suggestive drawings over and over, different positions different expressions. He giggled at the stupid way they all looked on the page. Each pair doing something you definetley shouldn't have out at work and the worst part, which he hadn't noticed yet, was how closely resembling each pair had to Ainosuke and himself. In his time on sketching out the people he hadn't experimented with different hair so he stuck with what he knew. A short side part and a short boyish one with a messy fringe, both haircuts in which Ainosuke and tadashi wear. He stared at the drawings planning the next one which would fill the bottom left corner. He was so focused he didn't see the door open.

Ainosuke would find every excuse to finally leave that meeting but he had to be nice and polite to the very end. It made him sick. He swiftly walked from the meeting area to his office he couldn't be asked with the pleasantry's of goodbyes and shooed the men out when they were done and he could vaguely recall telling Tadashi to wait for him in the office. He reached the door and didn't bother knocking it was his room after all. He slowly crept into the room he could see Tadashi hadn't noticed him from his desk and his interested was piqued at the sight of him focused when he knew he had nothing to do. Ainosuke had almost reached the desk when tadashi had finally looked up to think on what he would do next. He finally noticed Ainosuke.

He jumped out of his skin, his heartbeat sky rocketed, he crumpled the NSFW drawings in his hand as he panicked and hid it behind himself he'd never been so glad for the other drawings he'd done, it looked as if he was working on them thankfully. He stood up quickly and gathered the pieces of paper frantically "sorry sir, I didn't mean to uhm.." he tried to say it without panicking but he really hadn't thought over what'd he say when he was caught sat there. Plus what did he have to be sorry about? If anything Ainosuke should be apologising to him for making him wait 30minutes. He gathered his stuff immediately on the clipboard and bowed his head shamefully hiding the paper behind him still.

Ainosuke smirked at how even though he hadn't scared him how he wanted tadashi had still freaked out upon his quiet approach. "It's quite alright Tadashi stop stressing what were u doing that had u so focused anyway?" They had swapped positions now Ainosuke behind the desk and tadashi in-front of it in his respectful place. "Oh.. uh just drawing, to spend time" Ainosukes eyebrows raised in interest and gestured his hand out asking for the clipboard "hand me all of it, the files and ur art, I remember u being quite fond of it." He ended it was a smile, it wasn't malicious or backhanded and that was a relief tadashi felt as he fiddled with the clipboard turning it round to hand to Ainosuke trying not to show hes hiding something in his second hand.

Ainosuke hadn't sat down yet, which was odd, and pulled off the two pages tracing the sketched flowers and admiring the fluid drawings of the dancers and skateboards. "Hm. quite good! Did u copy these flowers?" He said slyly , which was odd, there was nothing weird about the flowers. Tadashi just nodded and gestured with his empty hand to the arms of the chair. Ainosuke pushed in his lips and placed down the clipboard glancing at the flowers. "yes u did a good job with them but I would say.." Ainosuke left the desk and approached tadashi leaning on the side of the desk with the paper in hand next to him, which was odd! "Maybe less leaves u see how it drowns out the vines a little?" Ainosuke pointed at the flowers and stared at tadashi who was now at his level as he was leaning. Tadashi nodded and replied skeptically "I agree I just didn't have a rubber.." tadashi looked at the ground and a fast movement made him jump.

Ainosuke grabbed behind tadashi snatching the hidden paper swiftly "thankyou tadashi~ now what is little puppy hiding?" He stood up straight holding the paper walking to behind his desk again. Tadashi panicked, his face dropped his piercing dark eyes shot wide and he clasped his mouth an embarrassed flush forcing its way onto his face. Ainosuke admired him in this mess "oh? What have u drawn that's so bad I shouldnt look at hm?" And evil smirk spread across his face his hands paused on the paper he leaned across the desk. "If u admit to what's on here I won't look! But u were hiding it and that's good enough reason for me to believe there's something interesting on here~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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