The MANY Responses...

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The author clapped her hands, summoning everyone necessary. "Alright, everyone, chop chop! We have a bunch of questions to answer."

Tang groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Cherry, it's 1:30 in the morning... couldn't this wait until the sun is actually up?"

"Nnnnnope! You can blame me and my procrastination. Now then! First people I need are... PIF and DBK! If you would please step into this room here." She gestured to a random room, and showed the couple inside.

Cherry took out her notepad. "Alright, so this person is asking if Ember's powers ever showed signs of being more powerful than Red Son's."

"Why, yes, on multiple occasions." PIF answered. "When she was young, she tended to have more outbursts than Red Son, all of which caused the most damage compared to her brother."

"She was like a time bomb, that girl," added DBK. "You never knew when she would blow up."

"Alrighty! Next!" She snapped her fingers, and Mei appeared in the place of the demon duo, a bit shocked at the sudden teleportation but shook it off.

"My turn, I see!" She chuckled.

"Yup now then. This person wants to know how long the list of things you like about Ember is. Also, they know you're down bad for her."

Mei's face turned the color of Red Son's hair, rubbing the back of her neck. "Uh... really now? They won't uh, tell her right...? No? Okay. Well... I can't remember, but I think I did turn it into a real list and I have... ten... seventy... a hundred two things total? At the very least?"

"Wow. Okay, then." She snapped her fingers, and MK, Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang all appeared, Tang shrieking a bit at the sudden change of scene.

"Alright, this one applies to all of you! DBK and PIF have all placed bets for when Mei and Ember will get together. Care to join in?"

Pigsy blinked. "Wow, they're doing it too? I think sometime after New Year's, and Tang thinks it'll be much later."

"Well, I don't see either of them confessing so soon! They'll confess after, for sure." Tang sounded very confident in himself.

Sandy thought for a bit. "I suppose I'll join in... I think they've got the confidence! I'm sure they'll be together by New Year's!"

"Hey, I want in too! I'm sure they'll get together DURING New Year's! It'll be the perfect time!" MK jumped a bit, excited. Tang frowned, outnumbered.

"Alrighty!" She snapped her fingers, and Pigsy and Sandy were the ones left in the room. "Now, Sandy, they're wondering what your preferred tea blend is. Pigsy, they also want to know how many things Ember burned in the kitchen."

Pigsy groaned. "Well, there was that butter knife and those handful of forks... I think she also ruined one of my good pots. I dunno, it's hard to keep track of what she burns. But the kid's learning. Shes barely destroyed anything so far."

"Oh! Well, tea made from the Crimson Jimsonweed is perfect for a sweet-flavored tea to calm you down! It's a shame the flower is so rare... there's also that one tea blend that can put someone to sleep if they use too much, unfortunately I can never seem to find it. Sorry, friend! However, teas like peppermint and chamomile are very good for calming the nerves as well."

"Good answers! Next!" She snapped her fingers, and Red Son appeared in the room this time. "Alrighty, Red Son! What is your favorite sibling moment with Ember?"

Red Son thought for a minute. "Well... I'd have to go with when I made my very first invention. It was this little bull figurine, and it was infused with magic so it could move on its own accord. We were quite young then. I remember when her face just... lit up in a way when I showed it to her. That moment really just stuck with me."

"...Wow. That's actually very beautiful. Thanks, Redsy!" Before he could comment, Cherry snapped her fingers and brought in Ember.

"Alright, last question, Ember...scale from 1–10, how would you rate your crush on Mei?"

Ember squeaked, hiding her head face in her hands. "Oh, of course it's this kind of question... well, I would rate it a solid 8.5 out of 10... mostly because she's just so gosh darn adorable and one of the kindest people I ever met!! And, also..."

As she continued to ramble, Cherry turned to you. "Well, um, OmegaZer01, looks like you have your answers! Apologies for making you wait so long. Until next time!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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