"Let me do that." He said after kissing my finger tips and then moving my bowl, and the forks I had wanted to use but gave up on so I wouldn't miss any bones.

"I can do it." I protested when he started pulling them apart. I tried to pull it back but he didn't let me. "I can do it by myself." I ground out and pulled it towards me again but he growled and I looked up at him ready to push him away.

"I am trying to help."

"I am doing fine all by myself. I gave you a task, if you can't handle that, then don't help." I growled and pushed at his shoulder and finally got the chicken back on my terms. Greyson backed away and I noticed him watching me, his arms crossed, his stance tense, and irritating me all the same.

"You have a real problem with help don't you?" Greyson asked and I hesitated for a moment, debating between telling him to shut up, and ignoring him. I chose to ignore him. "Yeah, you do." He sighed and I felt my eye twitch and I turned to him now.

"What's it to you if I don't like taking handouts."

"I am sort of your mate Aaron, everything to do with you, has to do with me now." He stated coming closer but I huffed, rolled my eyes and avoided his hands when he tried to pull me closer to him by my shoulders.

"Sort of huh? Well, until you sort of even have a clue about me, or my life, or anything, you don't have to try and be the best mate you can be. Okay?" I told him clearly and his eyes narrowed as they took me in. His mouth opened, then closed before he turned and left the kitchen. I didn't follow him with my eyes, I just waited to hear the front door slam shut.

But that never came. I heard pacing hard steps but never the door. I finished the chicken, and the peas, and carrots, and mixed everything together. I made rice and set out three table settings and dished before going to my dad's door and knocking.


"Dinner is ready." I called loud enough that even Greyson would hear, I knew he would have heard three plates being set so he would be in there. I for one, was not hungry anymore. "I am going to call it a night." I told my dad way more quietly and then walked away. I wrapped up my plate and walked past Greyson and out the front door.

"Where are you going?" Greyson called and I unlocked my door.

"Home." I told him not looking back.

"Come on back in Greyson, I think we have a lot to talk about." I heard my dad just before I shut my door and started the car.

I swerved around, got to the stop sign, and took 6 deep breaths before leaning back and then going straight home. I walked in, ignored the mail in the mailbox and put the plate on my dinner table before sitting and eating it slowly.

I looked at the other three empty seats and licked my lips. I thought back to Greyson and my dad talking and opened my eyes and saw him sitting there across from me, looking at a boy and girl on either side of the table who were laughing and giggling and looking like the both of us.

I shook the notion, knowing that I didn't want kids. Even if Greyson and I are true mates, I never wanted to see him walk out on them. He was a damn enforcer who was here for his brothers wedding. He would leave, and come back, leave and come back... because I sure as hell wasn't leaving my life behind. I wasn't leaving my dad ever again.

I washed my dish, set it near the front table with my stuff for tomorrow and then walked back towards the stairs to my bedroom. I grabbed some pajama bottoms, a tank top and a change of underwear and then went towards my bathroom. I filled up my tub, added bubbles and waited while I stripped.

I had just lowered myself when I heard persistent knocking at my front door. I decided to ignore it as I soaked, hoping that it wasn't something really important. I leaned back and sighed melting into the porcelain.

After 10 more minutes I heard my door being broken down. I went on alert, got out of the water, shifted and waited as I heard about 5 different feet moving around, breaking stuff. One set came closer and closer before a loud whistle went through the house. Suddenly all the feet were moving towards the door and I growled lowly and got ready to pounce.

The door swung open and all five guys stormed in, while I charged the first guy that entered. I mauled his face, pushed off of him and made my way out there. I charged out the front door and then through the trees heading to the pack house. I was panting and saw Genevieve and Heidi rushing towards the doors. I barked and they both stopped and looked at me.

She gave me a long look making sure I wasn't some of the rogues and then waved me in and I advanced only then and trotted in.

"What happened?" She asked when her mom came and took Heidi. She touched my ear and I whined and flinched away. I didn't even notice my ear had been bitten.

"I'll go get her some clothes." I nodded to Reese and she took off up stairs as another female rushed to get some wet towels to sop up my blood and clean my ear.

Reese came down and I followed her towards the closest bathroom. She left the dress on the toilet and I waited until the door was closed to shift back.

I got the clothes on and looked at my ear and matted hair. I took a hair clip and moved my blonde frizz out of the way and then took a dark towel and started dabbing around it to clean it up.

"Aaron, the doctor is here, she wants to look at your ear." I heard Reese as she knocked on the bathroom door. I kept the rag to my bloody ear and walked out with a small smile. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I was taking a bath and then I heard my front door being broken down. I shifted and waited for them to all come up. When they charged in I attacked the first guy in and then ran through the house and here." I said and the doctor waved me over and I pulled the rag from my head and she got to work, spraying rubbing alcohol and then giving me a dosage of vampire blood to help me heal.

Jesse was not only my friend, but a new asset to the pack. Without his blood right now, I would need stitches.

I felt the mending of my ear right away and just took a moment before the doc turned and started washing out the rag I had. I reached up and felt my ear and sighed knowing that it was the way it was before the attack.

I noticed how all the women around me were fidgeting and pacing while I just felt tired. "How many rogues were there?" Gene asked looking over at me and I perked up.

"Only 5 in my house."

"Did they search you out?"

"No, it was weird, they were like going through my first floor, I heard a lot of things breaking or being tossed around. They seemed to be looking for something. Then one came up and smelled that I was in the bathroom." I told them and they all started pacing again. I don't know why but my lids dropped after I leaned back and my breathing increased and I couldn't open my eyes.

I heard mumbles and my name but I couldn't hear it. My recently repaired ear was burning and I felt my fingers turn into claws before trying to rip it open. Hands restrained me, and I heard the words calm and relax but nothing else was registering.

I felt a pin prick on my neck and suddenly things just stopped hurting, I stopped hearing murmurs and my breathing went back to normal.

Changed(Book 3 of The Athens Wolves Series) [complete]Where stories live. Discover now