"You're hurting me! Let me go!" Poppy sobbed, fighting his grip to no avail. She stopped going against it and just sobbed, crying uncontrollably. Everything was too much, too fast. She had no time to process anything.
He let go and stood over her, breathing hard.

"Please, love-" Creek uttered before a quick sharp pain shanked him in the nuts.
Poppy kneed him with all her strength and sprinted down the stairs, hysterical and angry and afraid. Eyes followed her as she rushed down the stairs in tears, then the man at the top of the stairs wincing while holding his precious family jewels.

Branch quickly caught wind of this and ditched Clay and Viva to rush to Poppy's aid.
"Poppy!" he called out, dropping the glass of wine he had. He ran to her side and she melted in his touch. He guided her to another room and she simply fell apart.
Her head hung low, she reached to wrap her arms around him and he took notice of the fresh red marks on her wrists.

He gently lifted her wrist to the light. There were deep marks of a rough hand imprinted on her skin.

"Who did this to you?" he asked, though he knew the second she came down those stairs in a sobbing fit. Just as he noticed, Creek wobbled down the stairs, gripping the rails like his life depended on it. Branch stood between the two, ready to end Creek if the time came.

He stared hard at the man blocking his view of his precious Poppy. Creek's expression softened.
"Poppy, can we please just talk things through?" he began to regain his feet.

Branch stepped closer to Creek.
"Did you put your hands on her?"

Creek's face twisted into a nasty expression. "Big accusations, mate- easy there, I'm sure we can explain everything, can't we, love?" he completely ignored Branch's efforts to intimidate him.

It made Branch even angrier, the fact that Creek was completely unfazed, all confused and zen and calling his Poppy 'love'.
"If you ever lay another finger on her I'll kill you." Branch growled, he towered over Creek and stared down.

"Will you, now?" Creek spoke gently, smiling. Branch turned away and in that instant, Creek's fist collided with the other's jaw, knocking him off balance.

Poppy screamed at the sight and ducked out of the way, throwing her arms over her head.
The metallic taste of blood filled Branch's mouth. Without thinking, he swung back, Creek swiftly ducked out of the way and struck again to Branch's nose. He felt a hard crunch under his fist, but it didn't matter anymore.

"You'll kill me, is that right?" Creek huffed. Punch. Slam, Bang.
He dug his hand into the neckline of Branch's dress shirt and heaved him into the pearly white walls.
Branch gasped for air that was swiftly blown out of him again.
"Get the fuck up then." Creek leaned into the weak man's face and whispered, before throwing him to the ground.


thoughts raced. Branch's stomach began to feel like it was about to collapse. Creek dropped his knee to Branch's chest. He struck Branch in the throat with a hard swift movement.


In the mouth. In the eyes. The nose.
"KILL ME THEN!" Creek threatened.


With the last of his strength, Branch reached his arm up and elbowed Creek in the nose. He winced instantly, covering his face with clammy hands. Branch attempted to stand but he could barely sit anymore. Just one more hit-

-suddenly, a hard BANG collided with the back of Creek's head and sent him falling to the ground, out like a light. Poppy wailed loudly, shaking, covering her eyes.
"BRANCH!" Clay shouted, dropping the wooden waiter's tray and dropping to his side. Viva ran behind him with security, her eyes bulging at the sight.

"Branch can you hear me?!" Clay slapped the side of his face gently, checking his heartbeat.
"Oh my god.." Clay finally got a good look at his face. His nose was twisted and bloody, eyes puffy, mouth bleeding exorbitantly.

Viva fell to his other side, pulling a handkerchief out of her bag and holding it under his nose.
"Oh my god oh my god!" she winced, his blood soaking the tissue in seconds. She touched the back of his neck softly, his skin was burning up.
"Can you guys please get a paramedic!? Hello?!" Viva snapped at the guards who took to her orders immediately.

Poppy stood frozen against the wall, if Clay hadn't knocked him out, she'd be next. She moved to sit beside branch, teary eyed. He began to sit up with the assistance of Clay and Viva.
"Easy, easy" Clay cooed and propped his brother up against a wall.

His senses began to come back to him slowly.
"I told you he wasn't nice." Branch mumbled and laughed, directed towards Viva. She grinned pitifully.

"Sorry, bear." she pat his knee. "What did Creek tell you?" Viva turned to Poppy who held Branch's hand gingerly.

"I don't even know." Poppy spaced out, Staring at her and Branch's hands intertwined. She felt disgusting. for kissing his attacker, even if it were just for a moment.
"He knew I'd be here. He told me how much he regretted what he did, how much he missed me. And I just stood there. Afraid of him. He's so different now." she held Branch's hand up to her face and closed her eyes he cupped her cheek lovingly.


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