No judgments folks!

"Its okay actually I was lost" she shrugged and pouted at the same time.

"No wonder. Even I had to search you behind these stack of papers." I winked as I mocked at her earning a glare from her.

Oops bad timing. She didn't take my sarcasm.

"Come to the point" she said flatly "I am running late. I have to go for tests."

Didn't she just deny that she wouldn't be able to make it? Whatever.

"Well then I guess you are going to miss it." I said as I leaned back trying to be as comfortable as possible on the plastic chair of her canteen "Because what I am here for will take some time."

"How much time?" she stared at the silver strap watch she was wearing and then shook her wrist frantically in the air and tried to look at it again.

Obviously it wasn't working! It looked like a watch from 80's. How'd it work?

She pouted and started hunting among her pile of papers without uttering a word.

She had to stand up and bend as she did this and when the round neckline of her white kurta curved, I got a vision of nice round and sculpted bosoms..

Yeah I am a bastard! But a gentleman one, I did not stare for long though I longed to. I mean I am a guy and I was not forcing her to display. She did.

Okay stop with your accusations. White flag waving!

After she was done searching and I trying to be decent and avoiding the display of her beautiful umm... you know what I am talking about she finally succeeded to get a black box kind of thingy.

Shit! This was a mobile phone.

Nokia; the oldest version.

She stared at the screen turned her lips into a thin line and suck in the lower one.

Yes! Yes! I was observing every bit of her facial expression and you cannot blame me. She is one hell of a beautiful Asian woman.

"Listen I have ten minutes if you could hurry." She almost begged and when she looked at my relaxed demeanor she added, "Please"

"Do I make you nervous?" I asked as I smirked at her.

"What? Why? Why should I?' she started rambling but in a louder voice than expected.

"Because I just overhead you saying to that nerdy guy who was flirting with you that you would be missing the test and now you seem to be anxious to attend the same." I leaned in closer to look at her browns, anxious browns "so do I make you that nervous that you feel like running away? Am I intimidating?" I asked seductively as I wriggled my eyebrows.

"Do I have to pick either or shall I reply "None of the above" she snapped irritated.

"Come on we are getting married. We cannot fight." I tried to calm her.

Her face lost color all of a sudden "bu... but.. you said you didn't want to. You had a girl... girlfriend" she swallowed making me smile. She equally loathed the concept of marriage.

"Its not funny Mr." she yelled.

Is she a chameleon changing colors so frequently nervous, shy, angry. Well forget it...

"Well forget it" she almost stole my thoughts "Then I guess there is nothing to talk. I think there's nothing much we could do about it. I am leaving.' She picked up her files in one good swipe and was about to leave when I stopped her holding her wrists.

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