girlybooss: he has like 25+ presents for me yall im spoiled btches

redrobin: FINN WHY NOT ME

paperboy: ITS 10:30 GO TO FUCKI G BED ASSHOLES minus Finn

dadsfavourtie: night paperboy<3


paperboy: night : finnwwyyy.....!!!

bruceybear: this hohoho! cant even type

                                                                 {March 25th 6:30 AM}

I put my phone down and lay down in the covers with Layia Finn called me and I answered quickly I said, "yeah Finn?" in my tired voice, he said "can we sleep on call?" "hm? of course" "Ur funny bills." he said then he went to bed so did I, next morning i woke up to the sound of birds chipping next to my window and Finney having his phone standing up and doing his skincare, haircare, routine, me and Finn have been friends for a couple weeks now, I seen him with a facemask and having his hair up in tiny curl rollers and  looking at his computer he then said "hey paperboy!" he said taking the rollers off and brushing his hair down "gwenny!!" i heard him yell "what!" "I'm used Ur curl rollers, ok?" "ok!" as i got up rubbed my eyes and got ready to deliver newspaper there wasn't school today gladly just Finn likes to get ready in mornings He was going to have a sleepover here today its currently 8;30 now that I got back from  delivering papers but my parents were on a road trip so he can come over I  cleaned my room, the living room, kitchen, basically the whole house, i waited till there was a knock on the door I opened it and saw Finn he came in and he took his shoes off and sat on the couch with me I put in jaws the movie, Finn was clanged onto me scared as hell holding my hand while I was rubbing his back he had half his face under the blanket but  you could see his eyes, and then i heard a knock on the door, i got up and answered it was the fucking whole friend group,  they marched in my house and before i could even speak finn pulled me onto the couch and {no homo right...?} held my hand and oh boy... i was super-duper red and just sat there not saying anything "Hey finn!" bruce said too finn and finn said "hey bruceeeee!" bruce sat by finn and they started talking while griffen sat next to me on his phone, then vance and robin were talking, everyone sat n there spots as robin put on the exorcist, Bruce and Finney threw up 4 times Griffen almost pissed his pants  vance looked scared shitless robin was laughing his ass off as me and finney had our hands interlocked and holding my hand hard while he threw up in a garbage can, "lets play a game" said robin "what kind?" i said "midnight man." "BITCH? HELL NOOOO ME AND RUE OUT!"finney screamed but robin pushed em back on the couch and said "nope were playing the midnight man" "ok so we need salt, paper,ur blood, wooden door, matches, we all grab a peice of paper and write our name on it as finney was clinged onto me, we put our finger on the paper with our blood on it, we turned the lights off and walk to the wooden door we placed the paper infront of it and we lit ourelf each a candle and put it outside the door we knocked the door 22 times we blew out the candle and closed the door we lit the candle back fast, me and Finn, robin and Griffen, Bruce and Vance, we opened the door and started walking around we parted our was and that until Finney said "someone touched me." and he held my hand tight i had salt right by me incase something happened, that's when i heard someone scream and our candle went out, we had 10 seconds to light it back we light t back and started walking more, it was 12:45 am currently and that's when our candle went out again and we couldn't light it back. i grabbed the salt formed a circle around me and Finn and i could here Finn mumbling or praying by 3:30 am  everyone  ran to the room locked the door locked the window put a chair by the door Finn and Bruce held each other  and  cried for an half hour, Griffen and robin clinging on each other scared to death, me and Vance  jaw dropped, after that everyone went to bed scared shitless me and fin were on the bed, Vance and Bruce on the other bed, Griffen and robin on the other bed.

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