Solarboy's race

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They are humanoid alien race under a blue sun they are powerless as a human and under a yellow sun they achieve their powers they are as strong as a Krpytonian and they have the ability to manipulate fire,heat and light in other words all of them have heliokinesis the ability to manipulate sunlight.

Personality: They are kind, peaceful and friendly warrior race. They will only defend themselves unless someone provokes them

The two notable Solarians are Solarboy and his girlfriend Sunbreaker.

They also go into this berserker rage whenever there's a red sun or a red moon

they are vulnerable to Magic and toxic gas

Dark History: The Solarian race wasn't always a peaceful species, originally these guys were planet conquerors and like the Viltrumites from invincible.

Weaknesses: Blue sun, magic and toxic gas


Powers: Solarkinesis, Solar empowerment,Solar Energy Vision,Solar Flight,Solar Invulnerability,Solar Regeneration, Solar Strength,Metabolization,Solar Consumption,Self-Sustenance,Decelerated Aging,Solar Chest Blasts, Solar Face blasts,Solar Power Link,Solar Mind,Solar Energy Mimicry,Solar Energy Manipulation,Fire Manipulation, Light Manipulation and Supernova.

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