⭐️~How you meet~⭐️

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You just found out that you were gonna be a go jetter and this is your first time In Jetpad then you found them

Xuli ✈️💜

She was testing the vroomster with a new upgrade and it wasn't working "hello?" You called out "oh hello!" She said she went off her vroomster and greeted you she was really nice to you but you realized the vroomster was not looking good so you told xuli and you worked on the vroomster's new upgrade with her


He was getting ready to go to play some sports outside jetpad by himself you came in "hey!" You said "oh hi you must be the new one" he said "yeah... are you going out to play sports?" You said "Yea by myself" Kyan replied so you helped him play some sports as you walked with him


He was looking at a book with animals in it and he had a adorable face on "aww" you said "oh! I didn't see you there" he said "what are you reading?" You said "oh these little cute animals they are so cute!" Lars squealed. you were next to him and looked at the book "your right!" You guys talked for hours with him

Foz 🧠💛

He was researching of the go jetter history on his computer and you saw him trying to find some facts you came real close to him "hi!" and he fell off his chair "oh no are you ok?" You help the poor guy up "I-im alright heh" Foz said "I'm very sorry for doing that little guy" your said "it's alright I'm not hurt I'm just clumsy" foz said "can you help me a little with this?" He said "sure" you replied and helped research the go jetters history with him


You were out on the academy Garden to pick up some flowers then you see a girl who appeared to be a top cadet she sees you and she goes to you "hello!" Tala says to you "oh hi tala" you reply "you know I was wondering what you were doing" she says "I'm just picking flowers to someone" just then a bee goes on the flower "hey did you know after I was born a bee landed on my head so my parents chose my middle name as beebee!" Tala said "how cool!" You said as you guys talked for a while and then became friends with her

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(415 words)

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