Assassin's Creed Poems

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It begins and ends with one man,
Sadly he isn't really all that interesting,
He is somewhat of a dramatic bore caught in a ancient war,
The Assassins and the Templars,
The Templars want only world domination,
The Assassins want freedom,
Both sides see him only as a tool to be used,
As a different as both sides are they are both unnervingly quick to put him in a machine called the animus,
It puts him in the mind of his ancestors,
See their lives and fight their fights,

The first a young Syrian man with a lack of interest in others and the creed he must uphold,
Along the way he learns his wrong doing,
Fights Templars,
Finds a wife,
And more,
His name,

The second was an eighteen year old playboy,
Italian in origin,
As he grows he becomes more skilled,
His name,

The third is a native american boy,
Beyond skilled hunter and amazing climber,
None the less the most innocent of the three,
In every sense of the word,
His name,


There was a time I would walk another way
Now that time has gone and another begun
My 9MM in hand, it's time to kill, and for someone to die.
You won't know when I'm coming for you
I'll come out of the shadows and disappear into them again.
It's retribution, you know better than to ask why!
I don't feel anything anymore when I kill.
It's a black and white world I live in.
There's only retribution and death.
My list has started, but not ended
It might take a lifetime, it might take forever.
I've started, and I'm going to end it, sooner or later.


He quietly creeps and crawls, Leaving a trail of dead man blood
Against his unspoken actions, heralding doom - seeing to it that no man stood
Unknown to the senses, he walks - Oblivious to a thousand watchful eyes
In the process of taking each man down - weaving perfection with a web of lies

They say beasts are above deceit; Oh! Say that after you see this one go
His fluid strikes and silent kills make the second hand in the clock look slow
In killing speed, he puts a Gatling gun to shame
In precision... Nah! He just carved his own name.

He wields a gun, a very sophisticated one at that. But why would he ever even need one?
For walking around the unsuspecting cretin and teaching him death by hand - That's the real fun

Creeping behind the foe undetected; sticking a karambit to the neck,
Delivering death from above, on land or below, he is perfection unparallelled
Stabbing, shocking, and putting the beauties to sleep - What the heck!
Leaving the place finally... Without another life flickering, the whole playfield levelled

He is an assassin to a few, a prowler to a few more, and a thief to the rest
But whatever he does from killing to stealing, he does each as the best
When security is alerted, you may sometimes her him chuckle
Because lasers, cameras, guards, drones - no matter - the enemy will buckle

Now you may wonder.... What does such a wraith do on earth,
A thing so beautiful in dealing and dealing with death
The next time you see him breaking a neck or making a head slam
Know his name - and remember it well - the last is FISHER, and the first is SAM

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