' ' Because I like too.. ' ' He replied

' ' Well you shouldn't, that's a girl thing, only girls can use makeup. ' ' She said in a sassy tone as she flipped her hair and walked away, muttering to her friends ' ' He's a freak ' '

That completely broke Floyd, tears streaming down from his face as his makeup smudged on his face, he went back inside to see what else he could do that isn't "weird", Floyd saw in a corner the costume closet and went over there

Floyd saw a beautiful pink princess and crown and as he grabbed it and was about to put it on, he heard a loud pitched scream as someone pulled the dress away

' ' Hey! I got that first ' ' Floyd squeezed the dress

' ' No freak! I'm the girl so I should be the princess! You're a boy so you should be a Bergen or something.. you're so weird, why do you even act like that ....' ' She giggled

Floyd's eyes widened as he started to cry his eyes out, dropping his crown as he ran off into a corner to cry, He stayed there until Grandma came to pick him up

' ' Floyd, baby! What happened?! ' ' Grandma gave him a big hug as they walked to the critter car, Floyd couldn't say because he couldn't stop sobbing, as soon as he entered the car all of his brothers instantly asked what was wrong.

' ' Flo- You ok bro?? ' ' Spruce asked, jumping up from his seat to hug Floyd

' ' Why are you crying?? Are you alright, bro? ' ' JD said, worried

' ' I want names. ' ' Clay said with a evil tone

Floyd was still crying, he handed them a crumpled paper filled with tear drops on it which explained what happened in squiggly handwriting, the brothers eyes widened, angry and wanting revenge

' ' Ugh, don't worry Flo some people are just rude and you should just ignore them ' ' Spruce said, patting his head

' ' I will avenge you brother! ' ' Clay smiled evilly

' ' Some people can't understand that you're just special, little bro ' ' JD said, ruffling Floyd's hair

They all did a group hug to comfort Floyd

' ' You know what? Tomorrow we are all going back there and comforting her ourselves ' ' JD said proudly

' ' Yeah! And then killing her 👹 ' ' Clay smiled like the Grinch

' ' Nope, we are not killing anyone but we can sing! That's what we do best of course ' ' Spruce said

' ' *Sniffle* O-ok let's s-sing ' ' Floyd muttered, wiping away his tears from his eyes

When they arrived to their pod they all got to work making the song, JD and Floyd wrote the lyrics while Clay and Spruce and the music and backing vocals

' ' Perfect! Now all we gotta do is preform it ' ' JD said

' ' I-I don't know guys.. what if we get in trouble? ' ' Floyd whispered

' ' It's worth it, if we get in trouble we get in trouble together ' ' Spruce told

' ' Then we run away and BURN THE DAYCARE AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA 👹👹👹👹👹 ' ' Clay yelled

' ' No killing. ' ' Spruce repeated

The next day, Grandma Rosiepuff drove them to the daycare and checked several times that Clay had no weapons on him, they were ready.

They entered the daycare and looked everywhere from the trolling who insulted their brother, when they found her, they started singing:

(Fire drill by Melanie Martinez, I recommend playing the song as you read)

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