hello buenos aires... hello gray

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      as soon as carmen left the airport, before going to the orphanage, she stopped to go get some cupcakes for her, Carlotta and the orphans (and of course some coffee on the side). She sat down at a table and started drinking her coffee while swiping on the news, she stumbles across one about the Sindey Opera House. Tonight was Carmen (the opera). A thunder of feelings crash trough Carmen's heart as she gets reminded of you-know-who.

      GRAY'S P.O.V.      (with 3 days before carmen arrived in Buenos Aires)

      now that i am on  holiday (finally), I decided to use the coupon I won. a vacation to buenos aires Argentina, didn't sound bad at all, another continent, other people. the flight was in two days... nice.

       I started packing my things: my clothes, a toothbrush, and some board games (whyyyy??)

     --------------------------------gray and carmen arrive in argentina-----------------------------------

      as gray was walking to his hotel, he saw some delicious looking cupcakes in a cafe, he had to get one.

      CARMEN'S P.O.V.

      as soon as I attempted to leave the cafe, someone crashed into me, when he leaned over to help me clean the mess, I realised....

-...Gray?! said carmen with a wide smile.

-Carmen?  gray couldn't believe his eyes. carmen... she has changed...

-what are you doing here? asked gray.

-well, this is what I wanted to ask, my mother lives here and I am paying her a visit. what about you?

-on vacation...

---an awkward silence was laid until gray breaks it————-

-I've....thought about you... . I missed you...
-...me too, Gray. How have you been?
- I work at the  opera and I live in an apartment in Sydney. You?
- well, things have changed a lot since I stopped the VILE thing, I have changed. Sometimes it just feels too peaceful for me. The "Red" Crew has separated, Shadowsan is in Japan and guess what.
- what ? said gray with a smile
- remember the two redheads, the ones that were with me all the time?
-how could I forget them..
-.... They joined ACME
-WHAT? guess I'll have some new friends. Carmen laughed. Anyways, do you want to come at my house later?
-Of course. Carmen slipped a note in Gray's hands. She got off the table and headed to the exit while saying:
-Call me... *and a wink*

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