Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Warning- includes touchy subjects

I look down on my playlist, finding myself lost in the words of "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens's. The lyrics just make me feel like I'm in a movie when I close my eyes. Specifically a romance movie. The scenes of the couples laying down on a red checkered picnic mat hugging and kissing. The look in their eyes as they look at each other. My eyes open to my blank ceiling as I lie on my bed. I wish I could have someone that looks at me like that.

My name is Raina but I prefer Rain. I was told it meant a "joyous melody" and I hated it. I don't know why I did. I wanted to blame my mom for it because she had left my family when I was 10 years old and my sister who was 4 years old at the time to go do drugs and she was the one that came up with it. I promised myself I would never let someone I love get addicted like that again. I swore to myself that when my time comes to have children I will never betray them. I'm 20 years old now. I'm in a college that's only 10 miles away from my fathers house. A lot of people would probably find it weird why I didn't just flee the state and get my degrees but I wanted to stay near. My dad had always had problems with his back. 2 years ago he ended up in the hospital for trying to carry a heavy box downstairs but then suddenly tripped. My sister on the other hand tries her best to help him but when she's at school no one's there to assist him. So I figured being only 10 miles away would make me feel a lot better about him being by himself all the time.

I know I'm throwing my life away but I can't help but feel that I'm responsible for them. Man I would die to have my own children soon but I can't. I already have too much on my plate as it is. Also I haven't dated since 8th grade so it's kinda hard to find the perfect person.

As I'm lost in my own thoughts I hear the dorm room front door open. I'm usually very paranoid but I can tell when it's my roommate. Her name is Livia, like Olivia without the o. She always closes the door obnoxiously loud. "Rain! Are you home?" She yells down the hallway expecting me to come to greet her at the door. "Yes!" I yell back hoping I won't have to get up from my comfortable bed. Her footsteps made their way to my door. They were loud, meaning she hadn't taken her shoes off yet. Honestly everything about her is loud. I think that's why they put me in a dorm with her this semester. I'm a quiet person so maybe we would even each other out. My door opens revealing a girl covered in snow. Somehow her red hair doesn't seem wet, it still looks dry and perfectly curled as if she had just used heat on it. "Why do you have snow all over yourself! You're dragging it all over the place!" I yell at her jumping up from my bed. I started to push her towards our shared bathroom. "Okay I get it! No need to push me." She says dripping of water.

When she gets out of the bathroom I have already begun dinner. "You should go to a party with me tonight" she says as she's drying her hair with a towel. She sits at one of the island stools. "Who's party is it?" I ask since I don't like a lot of people on campus. "Will's. It's his annual mid semester get-together." She says looking at me with pleading eyes. She's had a crush on Will for apparently 2 years. I'm always forced to go with her anytime it has something to do with Will. It's like she's using me as a human shield to hide herself from her own love confession. "I'll go if you clean up all the dirty water that's on my floor because of you" I say smirkingly. "Ugh fine" She says as she walks off with an exhausted look.

We finished eating but now I'm laying on my bed facing my closet because I don't know what to wear for the party. Is it a pool party? A regular party? A costume party? I've always been bad at overthinking everything. Livia walks in, opens my closet, takes out an outfit and lays it on my bed. I sat up to see what she had picked out. It was my grandmother's long white cardigan with a white crop top and black ripped skinny jeans. I never wear skinny jeans because I've always been on the very skinny side. I look very awkward in them, like the only red m&m in a group of blue ones. "Why does it have to be skinny jeans?" I asked her disappointingly. "Because maybe you'll find a cute boy at the party" she said looking at me with a smirk on her face like she was planning something. "Plus why would you wear sweatpants to a party" she said looking back down to the outfit. "Just wear it, trust me" she said as she walked her way out of my bedroom and towards her bedroom to start getting ready.

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