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Hacker: 1. Someone who changes the purpose of a program to make it do what they want. 2. Hijack other computers.

Malware: Malicious code use by attackers to infect your system.

-Viruses: Malware that spreads throughout other computers.

-Trojans/R.A.T.'s: Used by hackers to take control of your system.

-Spyware: Tools used to monitor what you are doing, including keyloggers (keyboard loggers).

-Adware: A malicious way of advertising. Used by companies with no self respect.

Script Kiddie: A wanna-be hacker with no ethical motivations. They usually try to hack to look "cool."

XSS: A website vulnerability that allows hackers to change JavaScript elements.

Phishing - An attack that tries to match something legitimate to steal personal information. For example, a fake Google login page would steal your username and password.

White-Hat: Refers to a hacker with no illegal intentions. They hack to either help secure websites, or just for ethical practice.

Black-Hat: Refers to a hacker that have much illegal intent. These are the stereotypical Hollywood hackers. Back-hats love stealing personal information and selling it on black markets.

Grey-Hat: Refers to a hacker mixed between Black-hat and White-hat. They usually try to help secure websites, but without permission, thus being illegal.

Kali: Short for Kali Linux, and operating system designed for hacking.

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