The Royal Decision (Part 2)

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At Music High:

In reading class. Mr. Coal let the students have a free reading period. 

Coral and Clay were reading a love story that their sad book club decided to read.

Then Mrs. Blossom came over the loud speaker.

"Attention," Mrs. Blossom said, "Teachers and faculty members please report to the teachers' room for an emergency meeting."

Mr. Coal left the classroom.

"Does that normally happen?" Clay asked.

"No," Coral said, "It only happens when something really really really important is happening."

A few minutes later the principal came over the loud speaker.

In the reading classroom

"Attention students," Mrs. Blossom said, "I have an announcement."

In the art room.

"I was just informed about something very special..," she said.

In the science classroom.

"This is the biggest thing that has ever happened to the school...," she said.

In the math classroom.

"King Peppy came to me and told me a decision that he decided to make...," she said.

All 4 classrooms.

"He has decided to send his daughter Viva to school," she finished.

The school cheered with the news.

"But," Mrs. Blossom said, "He is also looking into Troll High and will choose which school is best for Viva."

At lunch:

"Troll High doesn't stand a chance," Cherry said.

"Yeah Music High is way more fun," Ace said.

"I can't believe King Peppy is letting Viva come to school," Coral said.

"That's something new," Isla said.

"We just have to show Viva that Music High is the best," Skylar said.

"We can perform," Spruce said.

"Yeah," Clay said.

"Okay," John Dory said, "Let's plan what we're going to do."

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