Chapter 2- Jitters

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(Couldn't find a good enough picture for Rafael so imagine him how you wanna :[)


Y/n quickly grabs her headphones and plug them in before the noise could bother her.
Blasting "I don't wanna fall in love" by KYLE. She slowly ma kes her way through the full halls. Ducking her head low trying to go unnoticed. But she had to know how to get to the principals' office which meant she had to do the unthinkable. She had to ask around for directions.

Her phone dinged. A Text message from happy

Your father said you won't be known as a stark. For privacy and safety reasons, you will be known as y/n valentine instead.


She replied with a sigh. Stuffing her phone in her pocket and turning back on her music. She heard something behind her and turned to see what was causing the noise and BAM. In seconds, Y/n was knocked over by some douche bag in a blue and yellow jersey

"Shit." The boy quickly got up and checked on y/n. She practically laid balled up on the floor in embarrassment. About half the hallway was staring at her now. The boy picked up y/n and made sure she was ok. "I'm so sorry. I swear that wasn't intended. You ok?" He apologized while picking up her stuff "I'm fine." She replied in an exhausted tone. She wasn't even in school for 5 minutes and she's already tired of it. "I'm Raf by the way. Rafael. Do you uh need help with anything.?" He scratched the back of his head.

Before y/n harshly rejected him she thought for a second. "Yes actually. I need help getting to the principals office to pick up my schedule before I'm late for first period." She threw her book bag on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Rafael nodded and lead her upstairs, where
the office was located.

When they got there , a short boy with dark brown hair waved at y/n. He was standing with a taller brunette boy who was slightly muscular. He froze when he saw her. She awkwardly waved back at the two and entered the office.

After a while she was walking down the halls to room 106, first period. Math class. Luckily she's very good at math so this would be a breeze. Maybe just slightly annoying. Y/n walked into the room. "H-hello I'm y/n.. I'm new and-" "you can just sit at the sixth table in the back." Ms. Bankhead cut her off. Y/n nodded and quickly made her way to her seat. She instantly laid her head down when she sat in her new seat. Unaware of who she sat next to.

Peter awkwardly stared at her. He wondered who she was. She seemed very interesting. He made up his mind that he was going to interfere with y/n until the Ms. B began teaching the lesson.

Y/ns mind went blank. Still listening to the music in her ears. She really couldn't care less about what the teacher was saying. Heck, she knew it all. Last thing she needs is- "y/n. Y/n..?" Ms. B called out "did you hear what I asked you? What's the answer to #9?" Some of the class looked back at her, giggling. She shot a Quick Look at the board to see what they were doing. "Uhm.. yeah. X =  37.8." She said before slumping her head back down on the desk.

Ms. B was taken a back. It was shaken off and she went back to teaching.

peters POV

My eyes lingered over the pretty girl. she seemed so interesting. As much i  tried to stop staring, i couldn't get my eyes to waver. My body moved before i could think and next thing i know, my hand tapped her on her shoulder. fuck, why did i just do that.. oh my god. Her head shoots up and she looks over. I panic and say "H-hey, Y/n is it?" I try to smoothly let out like my heart didn't just drop below my stomach.

"Yeah, Hi?" She replied with a weird look in her face.

"yeah, yeah - I'm peter. i believe we've encountered earlier today. upstairs." I began, trying to slowly start conversation and avoid the embarrassing mess that just occurred seconds ago. i think my palms are sweaty

"I take it you're new. how are you liking the new school so far?" stop talking. "Actually its been going horribly shitty." y/n replied with a sarcastic tone That took me aback. "Yeah school is a pain." i replied with a little chuckle, "So what was your old school like." i rested my head on my propped up hand and awaited her answer with curiosity. She hesitated to answer "Trick question- i was homeschooled." she responded. my eyebrows shot up, "That's cool too."

After that me and Y/n started talking, a lot. she's also very smart, wait that's stupid. of course she is look at her. never the mind that. Another interesting thing is that she likes art, and usually draws Avengers. Mostly Thor and Captain America. Understandable, they're cool dudes.

4th period (lunch)

Me and Ned walked toward our table. Talking about first period. "She's like.. what's the word. Enduring. her energy just lures me in, like a magnet." I explain to Ned, he had that usual smirk on his face. i took my seat and Ned sat besides me. "Not only that, she's Intelligent. she's pretty, overall a wonderful person." I continue to brag about Y/n before Ned cuts me off. "You have all these thigs to say about her, and you just met her a few hours ago..? i don't know dude. you're stepping out of bounds." stop making this sound weirder than it is, Ned "But-" As soon as i began to defend myself, i saw her. Y/n. she was coming this way. god i think my heart skipped a beat. I shook Ned, "That's her," i whispered. Y/n had sat next to that girl that always sat at out table but barley spoke, Mj i think her name was.

I had learned from eavesdropping  apparently  (i'm not creepy) Y/n and Mj have art class together. I'll have to look into that.

Narrators POV/ After school

Y/n sat her bag on the chair, running her hands through her hair. "Yikes. And i have to do this everyday? No thank you." Pepper appeared behind her "i take your first day of school did not go well? Give me al the deets. anything interesting?" Pepper took a seat on the chair beside Y/n, crossing her legs as she sipped her latte. Tony then entered the room, a towel around his neck and his hair slightly damp after a shower.

(forced to take it, a project blew up in his face and almost stained everything black.)

"Welcome back, hun." Tony muttered as he strut past Y/n. She refused to speak to him since he made her go to that hell hole in the first place. "Anyways, pepper," She ignored him on purpose, tony made a face. "The only interesting thing about my day was i made a friend who's just as artistic as me. Wait no maybe two friends. I don't know. " Y/n shrugged.  Pepper tilted her head "Their names?"

"Uhm.. Peter and Michelle but she likes to go by MJ" Tony looked over his shoulder. "Peter you say? Surname?" He poured him a coffee. Y/n swore he was a bit dead inside since he loved black coffee. Y/n thought back to earlier today. "Think i heard a kid call him "penis parker" or some sh-" she quickly corrected herself. "Or something like that. so it must be parker."

tony picked up his mug and walked out of the kitchen. "Thanks, hun. You just completely reminded me." Was the last thing he said Before he left "Where are you going?" Y/n asked, it was too late he already left. "Welp."


(i have a lot in mind for this "book". just trying to get through the starting chapters. sigh. Common problem, i was stuck on like the first half of this chapter 😭 that's why i had to change the point of view. cause at first it made no sense. There will be more of Raf though. trying to see how.)

(anyways , proudly 1380 words today. (~✿◡‿◡) ~  ending on an even number.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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