"Let's check out the result of the battle" they were all in silence and waiting for the results "Card open 3.. 2.. 1" 3 - 0 winning Bada she bow a little and then went to her seat while redy was i think taken a back like girl you lost just accept it "I was impressed by both of you Redy shocked me but i reckon that Badas moves suited the sound more and she was more relaxed" Shownu said "I'll be honest to help you improve. You're still an eight grader" owwww that hurts but is true there was a break we were just chilling "i want to battle like now girls o cant wait" i said while warming up "Yeah same here" audrey answered i sit back and noticed that most of the dancers were looking at kirsten and me yeah ik you wanna see this battles me too even the judges were watching us

"Next battle will be Jam Republic's Kirsten" ohhh yep thats my leader she stand up and went to the center "Hellooo" she laughed a little bit "the no respect dancer that i would like to defeat..." i saw everyones faces and no one wanted to go against her "My no respect dancer... Waackxxxy" everyone cheered and we stand up as well as mannequeen Waackxxxy was mad that must have hurt her pride she flicked the no respect sticker and then went up "When I watched the video, you were word class and i would love to take you on... Lets battle" we all clapped thats admirable "Thank you so much for liking my video but ill show you my dance okay lets go" Waackxxxy responded

"YOU GUYS READY?? LETS FIGHT" Mannequeen goes first the first song started and she went immediately to the center and then went to Kirsten she was amazing tbh and really had great power definetely she is a battler "3... 2... 1... SWITCH! Jam republic kirsten!" Emma and i cheered she is definetely another lever her musicality its so on point she grabs all the attetion for real "3... 2... 1... Battle over" daniel announced "That was amazing girl" i said to kirsten this is high level fr "Card Open 3.. 2.. 1.." 1 vote for mannequeen and a 2 ties from Monika and Mike ok so again "Grab the center first" audrey said to kirs

The song oh myyy that is an advantage for kirs there they starting battling and kirsten was in the back and waackxxxy in the front "MOVE" I shouted to kirs for her to get the spotlight i think she get it and started on moving she taked the center and all the attention was on her "Battle over" omg that was a good one "Card open 3.. 2.. 1.." 2 - 1 Jam republic won i run up to kirsten and hug her i the let her go so she can go to waackxxxy she was really angry i mean she yeah she lost but its a competition so? Thats how it works.

"Next battle Mannequeen's Yoonji" that girl is crazy and she is mad right now "she might choose you kirs" she just nodded "I'm very angry right now" yeah we can see that "Mannequeen has come here as the crew known to be strongest in battles" mmmm not sure but whatever "I think is time we showed that" she went to bebe and then 1 milliom "I've said this already but who's the one chewing up and spitting out battles lately?" She went and stood up in front of Lia kim "I've told you who it is, this battle i can show you later" she left 1 million and went to kirsten "Kirsten, come out, girl" Yoonji you are really getting on my nerves "I'm gonna revenge my sister" they started to cheer "Come out girl" she shouted "She is so annoying" i said a little to loud i think beacause she heard it "What did you say?" She looked at me "You're annoying and talk to much" she just stood there to surprise i think idk i dont care she really cant stand losing how can a battler be like that? "I'm going to show you who is the hottest girl in South korea you know girl? I'm going to show you" She funny "Word. She's acting tough ew" Kirs said "I really cant stand her i will battle her" i said and audrey was so surprised beacause she had never see me getting mad "She's very angry" Emma said refering to Kirs i think "I'm going to show you who is the queen" what is wrong with her? She then started mocking Kirs omg i'm so mad right now i hope the next call is me "I'm excited lets see. We're in now. Lets see" kirs said

She was at the center with a pose then the song started and she went to kirsten and put her hand at her ear she then went to the back and started she then got close to kris and almost hit her "she has some nerves am going to kill her" i know i'm being emotional but i cant stand her and idk who to battle so yeah "SWITCH"

Kirsten started so well she went to Yoonji and do some popping with her body and hit her "Yeahhhh" i shouted that was sooo good she then went to the front and then back do some hips that was amazing "4... 3... 2.. 1.." "You did amazing" i said to kirs she thanked me "Fight judges card open 3... 2... 1..." 3 - 0 Mannequeen win yeah she was good ngl but i still want to battle her the judges did their comments will i was in my thoughts

"Should i battle her?" I asked the girls "yeah i think you should not beacause of me but beacause you really want it" kirs said to me i nodded and waited for the next participant.

"The next battle will be Jam Republics..." i hear some whisper i just hoped it was me "Miya" i stand up with a serious face get the mic "I'm really annoyed right now" i went to mannequeen "You talk to much you know? I wont do the same so lets dance... Yoonji" Yoonji was surprised i choose her they were lots of shouts and whisper the one that i hear was "Finally we're going to see her battling after 6 months" cute i went to the center "I dont do this for revenge i just want to see if you're capable of battleling against me" i said to her looking at her eyes she backs up a little but then she noticed and compose herself "I'm very capable so lets dance" Yoonji said i just nodded daniel spinned the bottle and it landed on me perfect

The song started ok perfect my favorite (just imagine any song) i started going around the zone and stopped at the back of it i did some hips and then went and do some b-girl tricks which was something i have recentely learned thats why i was out of battle i then went to her and start to provoke her she takes like two steps back and i get back to the center the go to the judges and dance for them a little "3.. 2.. 1... SWITCH"

Yoonji started idk why but i feeel like she is doing the same i just stared at her as her energy went down she was out of focus i think idk thos were the longest 40 seconds in my life "3.. 2.. 1.. Battle over" there were screams at how goo we were

"Ok judges Card open" 3 - 0 i almost had a heart attack looking at the result i didnt think that could be posible


Hiii two chapters in a day??? Thats new i know hope you liked it i will try and do another one even if its short to make up for the late update

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