"Try it again," Will ordered. He was cleaning an apple on his shirt, and looked far too amused as he watched Tessa fail to walk with a vampire's grace. She was struggling with Camille's mind, struggling to truly connect with her. She had mentioned that Camille's mind seemed to be behind a wall, like Camille hid from even herself, and the way she held herself while shifting into Camille proved that. It was like watching someone try to walk in a costume that didn't fit. "Simply walk from one end of the room to the other. We'll tell you if you look convincing." Evangeline sent Will a frown.

"She's been doing that for the past hour," Evangeline pointed out, reaching forward to pluck the apple from Will's hand. It didn't seem like he was eating it anytime soon, and her stomach was starting to grumble from hunger. They'd had lunch a few hours ago, but Evangeline had always liked her snacks. She passed Jem her fan so he could continue fanning himself, then she pulled a knife from a holster up her sleeve and started carving out a piece of the fruit. Jem plucked it up before she could eat it, and she nudged him in slight admonishment before cutting herself a piece.

"You point your feet when you walk," Will continued, choosing to ignore Evangeline entirely. He was having too much fun watching Tessa walk awkwardly in her new shoes, which were now too big when Tessa was wearing Camille's skin. Tessa glared at him, then kicked her new shoes completely off her feet. Evangeline had told her to do so half an hour ago, but it seemed only being annoyed with Will could make Tessa stop acting like a proper lady. Evangeline bit back her amused smile and cut off another piece of the apple, popping it happily into her mouth. "Camille walks delicately. Like a faun in the woods. Not like a duck."

"I do not," Tessa seethed, "walk like a duck."

"I like ducks," Jem said kindly. "Especially the ones in Hyde Park." Evangeline had to agree. The ducks there were kind as long as one had food for them, and they left their babies alone. "Remember when you tried to convince me to feed a poultry pie to the mallards in the park to see if you could breed a race of cannibal ducks?"

"They ate it, too," Will said, frowning. "Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck."

"Honestly, what do you two get up to when I'm not there?" Evangeline muttered, shaking her head in mock disappointment. She didn't even bother commenting on Will's irrational fear of ducks.

"Do you mind?" Tessa asked, sounding irritable. "If you're not going to help me, you might as well leave. All of you." Evangeline frowned and opened her mouth to point out that she'd been trying to help, but Jem stole another piece of her apple, and she chose to scowl at him instead. "I didn't let you stay here so that I could listen to you nattering on about ducks."

"Your impatience is most unladylike," Will commented. He grinned. "Perhaps Camille's vampire nature is asserting herself?" Tessa rolled her eyes, then bit down on her lip. A yelp left her mouth immediately after, and her hand flew up to her lip, her eyes wide in alarm. Camille's fangs had come out, puncturing Tessa's lip when she'd bitten it. "Leave it alone," Will commanded, hopping off the table. "You'll find you heal very quickly."

"I don't understand what makes them come out like that," Tessa complained.

"Hunger," Jem said, rather unhelpfully. "Were you thinking about blood?"

"No," Tessa said.

"Were you thinking about my apple?" Evangeline asked.

"No," Tessa repeated.

"Were you thinking about eating me?" Will asked, a little too happily.

"No!" Tessa exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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