Stage 3

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Shinji was on a train going to Tokio-3, he had been summoned by his father, he hoped that he wanted to reunite with him, after all those years he had been alone with that professor, he truly wanted to see him again, even though he abandoned him, Shinji hoped for his desire to be true, or at least one part, he was submerged in his thoughts, he was playing on a Gameboy that had a modified cartridge in it so that allowed him to listen to music or play any game he wanted by just loading it there, he just had a small luggage, with he carried jealously, like if it was his life, physically, he wasn't really much, slender build, small ears, dark blue eyes and short black hair, so he wasn't really very much, mentally, he was depressed, nothing more to say, he didn't cared about anything, but this time, it appeared that maybe he could be in a different situation, he learned, or at least he decided, that he was going to be useful, after thinking it for some time, he went to a conclusion, his father needed him, why would he call now, to reencounter?, that was too good to be true, if he had wanted to do that, he would have come to search him for himself, and not pay for an adult to take care for him, not even to tell him to get to Tokyo 3 by himself, so he needed him, it wasn't required to be a genius to see that, so he mentalized, it didn't mattered that he was depressed, his sadness didn't mattered, if he wanted his dad to praise him, he had to be useful, nothing else, his emotions could wait, he was going to manage how to get out of them, so he was going to make his part and make himself a good boy, a happy boy, a strong boy, so his father would praise him, he exited the game he was playing to enter the main menu where he could see all of his files, he searched for the music folder, and selected it, it was a 3 hour trip from Tokio-2 to Tokio-3, so he was going to handle it calmly, he searched for his usual playlist option on the menu.

--Well, the same list, the same songs, but it doesn't matter, it still feels like a fresh start.

He pushed the "a" button and closed his eyes, new things wait for him, he didn't knew what to expect, he didn't knew what he was going to do, but one part of him, one strange part was telling him something important, something he didn't wanted to think off

"Why do this feels, so, familiar?"

. . .

Asuka had noticed a couple of things, first of all, she was on a military house, so she was part of the german army, it appeared that Kaji was his caretaker, and his mom was dead, well, to Asuka it had became clear that she wasn't dead, she knew where to find her, she knew that she was on the EVA, it did not take her much time to realize that probably the same thing was happening with Shinji, his mom made the same thing as her's and the most probable thing was that she was on EVA unit 1 too, she also had some things from the last world, searching on her stuff, she found that she had Shinji's Walkman, it appeared that he left it with her without noticing, and Misato probably didn't noticed It when she put her inside unit 02, she grabbed it and examined it, it still had the same tape that Shinji was playing before the third impact, the one he showed her when she was comatose on the hospital, the tape was on a perfect state, but the mechanism was completely ruined, so it wouldn't play the tape, and the batteries where completely dead.

--It is nothing but a small issue for a former college graduate like me!

But first she had to get the pieces, when she was about to start figuring out where she was going to get the pieces, she was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on the door.

--Asuka, remember your synchro test, we have to get going or we are going to be late.

She recognized Kaji's voice.

--I'm on my way, just a minute Kaji-san

He putted Shinji's Walkman on her bed and dressed herself with her test plugsuit, it was heavier and bigger than she remembered, and she also had to use a helmet, she finished dressing herself up and then exited her room, finding Kaji on the entrance.

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