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Regret is what haunts us in the end,
It's the moment we realize we should not have done something,
The moment we realize we should have done something.
Regret is what makes us learn,
It's what teaches us,
The good,
The bad,
The priorities,
And so on and so forth.
But once regret creeps onto you,
You'd wish to replay what you've done,
To change it,
Correct it,
Or undo it.
Something I truly regret doing,
It was the fact that I developed these tender,
Romantic feelings for you.
And it made me hope I could go back in time,
To admit I love you,
Could I do that? No!
No, I couldn't.
And that's Regret.
Regret was what made me feel lament,
I wasn't content,
I felt wrecked.


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