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Walker and I stand in the elevator in silence heading up to our shared room. I can't believe Emma didn't tell me about this. I was beyond annoyed with her.

We walk through the long hall to our room and open the door with the key we got to see only one singular bed. One freaking bed. I was going to have a long talk with Emma. What did she expect us to do share it I don't even know this guy. As I was thinking to myself I hear someone coming down the hallway.

"You're welcome!" Emma waltzed passed our room holding out the "welcome"

When did she even come upstairs?

"Hi guys!" Ryan then walks by laughing and waving then catching up with Emma and giving her a high five

"I hate you" I called before they could turn the corner

"Love you too, CC" Emma replied giggling

"I'm sorry about Ryan" Walker looks at me smiling awkwardly

"Emma's worse" I reply

"I'll sleep on the couch" he offers

"Ok" I agree, setting my stuff down next to my bed. It was a suite so the room had its own little kitchen and everything I was excited about. I would rather be sharing it with Emma even though I was mad at her right now she's still my best friend

"Have you ever been here before?" He asks me

"No, but I'm excited, it looks like a cute town" I reply while looking through my suitcase for my computer

"Yeah, do you want to maybe go around town with me tomorrow?" he questions

"Sure, sounds fun" I turn around to look at him smiling

"Ok, I'm going to go get something to eat downstairs, I'll see you later, CC" He smiles back leaving

After he left I grabbed my phone and texted Emma to come to my room so I could talk to her. And I also started to unpack some of my clothes and hang them up since we would be staying here a while. And after a few minutes I heard a knock on my door.

I walked over to the door opened it to reveal a smiling Emma

"Hi!" She smiled bigger

"What's wrong with you" I exclaimed shutting the door

"What?" She asks acting confused

"Emma!" I look at her "Why are Walker and I   sharing a room?"

"You'll thank me later" is all she responds with and I throw a hanger at her

"Hey!" She shouts "Speaking of Walker where is he anyway?"

"He went to get something to eat" I reply hanging up a pair of shorts

"Also I think most of the cast is going out to dinner tonight" she informs me "Your coming right?"


"What are you going to wear?" She asks excitedly "Ooh, can I help you pick it out?" She asks another question before I could respond to the first one

"I'm still mad at you" I look at her "But sure!" I squeal. She knows I love going out to dinner and dressing up so I couldn't say no to her.

"Ok, it's April so it's pretty warm outside considering we're also at the beach and it's going to be pretty nice and a lot of people are coming..." Emma rants on about tonight

"Ok, just look in the closet I have a lot of dresses for spring weather" I cut her off because I knew she would continue for a while

"CC!" She exclaims pulling out a pretty white strapless dress

"When did you get this?" She asks

"A few months ago, I've been waiting for spring and summer to where it" I respond smiling

"Well tonight's the night" she giggles

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞|𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now