𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿𝑽𝑰𝑰

Comenzar desde el principio

"Indeed, Lord Grimshaw had been hiding out here for an extensive time period in this abandoned mansion alongside his compatriots as they partook in nefarious intrigues," Veronica remarked as she turned to face Vladimir prior to casting her vision toward the built-in vault placed on the wall.

"And it appears as if you determined to integrate with this group. Precisely what are your intentions, Veronica?" Vladimir inquired, addressing her with a rather intense and piercing gaze. The woman fell silent for a moment in response to his sharp-eyed, probing question.

She immediately change the topic and continues, "You know, I'm not certain if this is precisely what you seek. However, I witnessed him hiding a journal inside this safe one time." She remarks while placing her palm on her hip. Vladimir raises an eyebrow and adopts a puzzled expression as he reflects. Then, in a gentle voice, he utters, "Two-zero-eight-four-three." He references the set of digits printed in red ink on the backside of the photograph which he carries in his coat.

Without pause, he approaches and moves near the safe. Veronica notices his movements and then asks, "Are you sure that's the correct password?" However, he does not answer her question straight, and instead begins manipulating the lock by spinning the wheel and placing his ear against the wall, focusing on his actions. "Surely, who wouldn't, if there's a strange set of numbers on the photo of the woman that bears the same facial characteristics as the portrait in the painting?" He replies rather elaborately.

Veronica catches a glimpse of the painting, intrigued by the identity of the woman depicted. As the room falls into silence, Vladimir keeps rotating the lock of the safe that is built into the wall. The sound of his movements creates an echoing noise as he listens for the sound of the click. After a few minutes of attempts, they finally managed to access the locked safe. It contains a small amount of auric, bills, documents, and the notebook that Veronica was speaking of earlier.

Vladimir states as he surveys the safe, "I suppose there should be other clues in here." He gives that statement while sporting a face which displays both hope and coldness. Meanwhile, Veronica retrieved the notebook as she seats herself on a chair which is next to the safe. For Vladimir, on the other hand, he goes through the pages of the documents by studying each and every information that was written in them.

Veronica flips through each page of the notebook as she attempts to study Lord Grimshaw's journey. She does not pay attention to the matter of him being already deceased and simply delves into his personal matters freely. As she flips through the pages, she suddenly notices something significant on the page written around 1838. She directs her eyes to comprehend each word's true meaning to determine the underlying message of the page's content.

May 5, 1838

        I shall prevent everybody from impeding my upcoming marriage with Emmaline. She’s the sparkle that I aspire to possess as I had always admired her from a distance during each of her ballet performances at the Acropolisque stage. However, that plague doctor will never cease to harass Emma, even when we have already become a couple.
      I confess, that I want to engage that lady so I could take control over the Dovestone territory by tying two families together, but I genuinely adore her as well. Her beauty eclipses every other lady’s, and the elegance of her dance is comparable to a swan’s movement in the lake as she moves gracefully. I shall not let the plague doctor interfere with our marriage since Emmaline has the qualities of the ‘Odette’ that I have been seeking for quite a while, and her personality draws me towards her even more.

      Veronica appeared to be puzzled as she momentarily paused and then continued to the next page. Her eyes examined each word of the paper, scanning every stanza meticulously as she attempted to comprehend the content. Vladimir continued to peruse the documents within the safe, which revealed a wealth of knowledge related to the incident that occurred between him and Emmaline. The journal's date progressed to 1843 but abruptly moved to 1854, possibly due to the assassination of Emmaline during her final performance in Acropolisque. The journal's author, Cassius, was evidently devastated by this revelation.

With her attention being drawn towards the date that’s written, Veronica proceeds to read more of the journal in detail.

January 25, 1854

        I cannot believe that the royal court has charged me as a murderer of my dearly beloved Emma. I was fully aware that we have gotten caught up in a conflict that led us to terminate our engagement due to my financial situation. However, that does not mean that I would intentionally take away the life of my beloved mistress. Even though I had directly witnessed the whole event happen before my very eyes, my eyes cannot be relied upon as evidence to prove my innocence. Otherwise, people would assume me to be a perjurer or a lunatic.
       I can still recall what occurred on that day. A tall figure clads in a coat alongside a young teen stood together and engaged in a conspiracy. When I attempted to listen in on their conversation, a chilling sense of dread overcame me, almost inducing nausea as my body trembled in fear. All I could hear before their talk was suspended after I caused an unexpected noise was them discussing Emmaline's younger brother, Viktor.
       Once they heard the sound, I was initially concerned that they would walk towards me. However, to my relief, they traveled in the opposite direction. The man seemed to search for the source of the sound when the young lad stopped him and pushed for their continuous discussion somewhere else.

As Veronica was getting engrossed in the journal, a pause occurred as Vladimir intervened and presented the document he discovered. "See what I have found." He said, displaying the document that mentions Cassius's bankruptcy prior to their cancelled engagement with Emmaline.

"This piece of evidence is also relevant as well." Vladimir says, but Veronica fails to heed his input and moves to flip the pages of the diary instead. When a piece of paper slips out of the book and drops to the floor, Vladimir without a moment's hesitation picks it up and reads the notes written on it. When he began scanning the text, his eyes expanded in surprise.

Vladimir speaks up, reading the headline of the paper. "The Dark Secret Behind Project Crowfield in 1856, The Controversial Feud Between the Two Adversaries, Malcifer Luis Ravencroft and Cassius Von Faustus Grimshaw." Vladimir elaborates, bringing the two competitors into the documents he just discovered.

The revelation has concluded that Cassius was also involved in the Project Crowfield. He was reluctant to partake in the project due to recognizing Malcifer's schemes. Out of fear towards his poor reputation and society's disappointment towards him, he decided to hide the dark secret from the people. He could no longer tolerate the ridicule and humiliation that people have given towards him.

Veronica enquires, "But why would he decide to be a part of the Project Crowfield?" Vladimir remains speechless for a while, as he recalls something he experienced in his past. In response to the question posed by Veronica, Vladimir replies with a delay as a memory of his past came rushing back to his mind. “I do not have a definite answer, but I am still in search of answers regarding this project, specifically the reason for its existence and its objectives that were conceived decades prior.” He elaborates, folding the pages and storing them in his coat before resuming his speech.

Vladimir then inquires with a serious demeanor before receiving the journal’s content from Veronica’s words, "Did you find anything in the journal?” She provides him with the notebook and answers his request, saying, “Yes, I did. He noticed something behind the real murderer of Emmaline. He mentioned the name Viktor, a person who is the younger sibling of his ex-fiancé.” Veronica then stands and hands him the diary, allowing him to catch hold of it.

Vladimir has gathered all the clues that he has required, but it proved to be an unfortunate situation as he could not have the chance to request Lord Grimshaw before Travious smashed the former's head with the enormous sledgehammer. As a silver lining, he has gained another vital piece of evidence to trace and assist Her Excellency in filling in the empty spaces in their investigative research.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Ruthania family's castle, Travious and Percival, the duo in charge of the theft scheme, have returned. Sitting at one of the couches, Percival uses one leg to prop the other one up and puffing smoke from an ignited cigarette while examining the documents that they have previously purloined from the Blackpool. A plethora of documents are scattered on the coffee table, which has attracted Percival’s attention. Travious, in an agitated frame of mind, queries impatiently, “You have been focusing on these worthless papers for over an hour. What exactly are you looking through?” His demeanor indicates that he is rather irritated, with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall.

"The Knave stated that I should seek clues and potential evidence that could lead to a catastrophe located in his room, so I did peruse and rummage through his bookshelf. Unfortunately, I only sighted his felonies and his photograph." Percival speaks with a hint of irritation in his tone as he consumes a lungful of smoke from his cigarette. "Did he not specify the kind of clue or evidence that had to be discovered?" Travious questions back at him.

"Not at all." Percival speaks with conciseness as he takes another drag from his cigarette. “The elderly man continually delivers directions that lack precision,” As Travious opens his single eye, he unexpectedly faces someone in the doorway as it suddenly opens to reveal a person who is peering at him with an ominous grin. Travious is momentarily startled by this, displaying fear akin to that of a terrified canine. His initial expression is one of surprise which soon changes to one of apprehension.

"GREAT HEAVENS! Do you not possess the ability to use the conventional technique of knocking?!" The startled voice of Travious is heard, bellowing a loud cry which is devoid of civility and restraint. “Hold ok a second, who are you?” He speaks to the man clad in thick clothing, a hat concealing his head with the exception of curls of hair, with great perplexion. Percival's expression remains static while observing the strange interaction between the two fellows, preferring not to interfere with their business. The man in the hat delivers a laugh that is somewhat eerie in tone.

"Pardon my intrusion, I am Milverd Cerise Lanswiller, one of the butlers of the Earl Deloney estate." Milverd's greeting is met with a friendly smile. "Your surprise presence is welcomed." Percival expresses a level of appreciation toward the other butler's appearance. Milverd continues his introduction, indicating that he has arrived with the youthful heir, which prompted him to meet with the Earl. "I just arrived here with the young heir, who is currently engaged in a conversation with His Highness about his father's retirement." The butler states calmly.

"I inquire what motivates you to abruptly enter Head Butler’s chamber." Travious presents his query with rudeness, and Milverd chuckles in response as he is not fazed by this abrupt address. "I felt the need for relaxation, and I heard some sounds in this room that caught my attention." He expresses in a tone that is gentle yet unsettling, as the smile remains plastered on his face.

"Now, if you'll pardon me, I must return to the young heir." The creepy man, Milverd uttered, as he made for the exit, leaving Percival and Travious in silence, contemplating of the stranger's sudden and abrupt intrusion.

Milverd, who'd just closed the door behind him, stepped forward with a chilling smile on his face, his once-shut eyes now revealing a pair of dark, sapphire-blue eyes that pierced the darkness, their serious expression contrasting his previous playful demeanor. "It appears that Landice was not among them," he whispered to himself before departing the vicinity. While still within the chamber, Percival was gazing at the ceiling while seated in a chair and examining the earring he found back in the forest of Grenswood, contemplating its significance.

In the meantime, back in Blackpool, Charlotte was attempting to escort Lindice outside of the abandoned manor's gate. She was finding the act challenging as she placed her arm over Lindice's shoulders, grasping it firmly to support her weight. However, as they made their way out, she observed Argentum approaching them. The youth's visage transformed into an expression of concern and apprehension, prompting him to race towards the two and yell, "LINDICE!!" He cried in agitation, upon witnessing the blood on his sister's head.

“Argentum, you’re still injured!” Charlotte exclaimed with a look of concern on her face. “It’s no issue, but Lindice’s survival is of the utmost importance.” He responded in a calm tone, despite holding a bandage over his bandaged and injured arm. The trio then ventured out of the abandoned manor’s gate, with Charlotte laying Lindice down in a shaded flat spot, while the rest of the children stood and sat in one spot, sharing the same apprehensive expressions.

Charlotte then check Lindice, but Argentum stopped her and look at her with an eye to eye. “Let me take care of this, please return to the manor, and help Lord Lucien and Vladimir as I please. I beg you.” He begged as he was concerned about their two colleagues. He even advises her to keep the pistol he lends to her. Charlotte nodded and returned over the gate, running to provide some help to Lucien.

In the spacious outdoors of the abandoned manor, Lucien was huffing his breath as if the battle between him and the other men were not yet over. The slash of flesh continues to overflow and the endless dodging to the bullets that were trying to fire at him. His body couldn’t maintain any strength if this didn’t end as soon as possible. Suddenly, when he was about to turn over, a man slashed the back of him. Making a slight slanted cut in his skin.

Charlotte’s eyes widened as she saw it and yelled his name, “LUCIEN!” When he heard his name, he eventually shut his eyes closed and look for the source of her voice. “Charlotte! I already told you not to return here!” he said to her in a loud voice as he immediately went to her. “Argentum told me to give you a hand moron! Look, you’re back being already bleeding!” she said with a concerned face.

“Heh. It’s nothing.” He said confidently with a smirk as he then continued his words while swinging the scythe to block the bullets that were being fired to them, “there are still three people around us. One in front and one in east and west.” He said as the grip on his hand at the scythe tightens with great force. Lucien made a fast thinking on planning how to attack the remaining three with his eyes shut close since Charlotte was with him. He then heard Charlotte making a clicking sound, probably it’s Argentum’s pistol.

He tilts his head where Charlotte was and speaks to her, “You know, letting a woman see a gruesome violence was disrespectful for me. So, can you suggest closing your eyes and let me borrow the pistol?” he said with a quite soft voice as she gave the pistol to him.

Charlotte was quite confused but then she just followed what he orders as she put her hands to cover her eyes. “Good girl.” He said to her as he then drops the scythe, loaded the pistol with new set of ammo from his coat and lifted Charlotte with his one arm and make a swift movement to eliminate the three-remaining target.

He fired two bullets in two heads of the men, as for the last one, Lucien immediately rushes towards the last one. But this time he realized that he was aiming to shoot for Charlotte. By with that, he immediately throws Charlotte in the air, making her suddenly in fear, “H-HUH?!” She said in surprised as if she was floating in the air.

The man immediately looks up with his head and gun to Charlotte’s direction, but he didn’t notice Lucien coming towards him. “Oh, I won’t let you hurt a lady, mister.” He said as he then gives a strong kick in the man’s head making him fly away and knock out to the ground.

Charlotte continued to yell, but Lucien immediately took the action and immediately catch her in her arms in a bridal carry. “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!’ Charlotte asked him with a loud voice as she sees Lucien smiling at her with those closed eyes, he never opens in front of her. “If I didn’t do that you might be dead now.” He said chuckling to her.

“Just put me down already!” she demands, and he followed it immediately without making another source of argument. The area outside of the abandoned manor was filled with dead bodies of criminals. All fell into a bloody massacre as she looks at their surroundings. Lucien then covered her eyes with his hand and gently speaks “I told you not to look at them.” He said with a slight smile in his face.

They then walk out of the bloody scene and as they walk out of it, the sunset’s light hit their face and Lucien gently uncovers her eyes as his eyes gently close as well. Charlotte finds herself looking at the pleasant ground of the outdoor as she sees the sky turned orange and yellow from the sunset. But as the pleasant silence continues, a sound of footsteps coming from the other direction. They both look who might it be, and they saw a tall man wearing a Butler’s uniform, slightly wounded as the light of the sunset reflect in his eye glasses. It was Vladimir, holding a document and a journal in his hand.

“I didn’t think you’ll get out on your own.” Lucien smirked with a slight scoff coming out from his mouth. “As long as I have a brain, my intuition capabilities would never disappoint me to plan my escape.” He said to him as he then handled the papers to him.

“What’s this?” Lucien asked as he took the papers from him. “A slight evidence and journals that might help us to lead with numerous clues under our current investigation. Unfortunately, some of these evidences were being stolen by two intruders.” Vladimir elaborated clearly.

Lucien and Charlotte made a frown face as they have no clue who were those two intruders. “But I have a hunch that those two were being sent by the Knave.” Vladimir said with a serious face as he explains it to them. By that moment, they’re still uncertain what was the purpose of this Knave to steal some of the evidence regarding to Lord Grimshaw.

Suddenly, Charlotte turned her head to look at the window of the second floor of the mansion. Lucien noticed it and asked her is there’s something’s going on, “Is there a problem, Lady Charlotte?”

“No, I just feel like someone’s watching us.”

Van Deloney: To My Dearest Emma [[BOOK ONE]]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora