

Gramps answer absent mindedly. It took him a second to realise it was me talking when he realised it was me his eyes went wide as if they would pop out it was a really comical expression it was kinda funny I almost snorted there but he composed himself quickly and cleared his throat before speaking.


"I'm bored can you get someone to teach me how to read" I pout looking at him with my big blues.


"I wanna learn how to read.."

"Mei..."  "how are you able to speak. No when did you learn to talk in full sentences."

"I Donn know.... I can't explain it."

"I get some one to help with it."

Then he spent some few more minutes with us and bolted out of here pretty quick. I don't think I have seen somebody walk that fast before. Man did I freak him out that badly I sweatdroped at the site in front of me Naruto tilted his head like a cute little puppy Awww he is So Cute!.... Critical Hit!!!! I repeat CRITICAL HIT!!!

Few day later Gramps did send a teacher to teach me how to read and she was pretty sweet and kind she did it very patiently even though I learnt it very easily as I was very good at academics before I kinda had to fake it and show that I am a slow learner. No kid learns it that fast it was boring to pretend but then again I had to do it for a little while.

And just like that a few more months passed now I was reading books like breathing a I was reading at least eight books a day, Naruto didn't mind he was in his own world playing by himself self it's not like I ignored him I would play with him time to time but my routine consists of eating, reading, playing with Naruto or our naps since we are still babies. 

                  ~ Age 11 Months old ~

I can't believe it's almost been a year since I have been reborn and I even got a chance to test my mind control ability on one of the caretaker and told her to stop talking bad about me and Naruto well it was technically in the heat of the moment because I am protective of him but after that incident I decided to use it less it was very risky maybe I should save it for Kaguya.

But I am going to be one years old soon maybe I should learn walking it really hurts my knees it crawl and it is about time my legs should be developed enough then I started to try to stand with help of walls or tables or something to support myself and after weeks I am fully able to walk, the some of the caretaker here are sweet and they don't treat us bad for being  jinchuriki's they even cheered on me when I first started walking.

But some keep their distance and avoid me and Naruto like plague and sent glare our way it is really unsettling how did Naruto put up with it originally but it's fine he is not alone this time he has me to keep him company and support him and it was near our birthday and Naruto has also learnt to walk a little too. He can talk a little bit but not as much it was our birthday.

                     ~ Age 1 years old ~

Today so one of the caretaker her name is kiko or as I like to call her o nēchan she decided to take us to outside celebrate we haven't been outside at all this is our first time so me and Naruto are so happy and we are going to a library and then eat out side it's going to be so much fun. I am beyond happy maybe we will try Ichiraku ramen.

So here we were walking in the beautiful streets of konoha and it was so beautiful but Naruto was being a little shy it was his first time out he was hiding his face in o nēchan's sholder as she was carrying him and I was walking beside her we were on our way to the library to get some new books maybe I can convince her to get me some books on how to unlock chakra and the basics the sooner I get to work on it the better.

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