No! now do you want the wishes or not??? No! no I'll take it.. let me think a second.... Oh I know I want to  control minds kinda like lelouch from code geass you know! yeah I know that is actually a pretty neat power..ok!! Granted Wait really!! Just like that? yes! Now what about your second wish? hmm... Why don't you surprise me? Oh! ok

Later I just woke up feeling hazy, and it was hard it process everything thing around me I think I heard a man say in a joyous tone.

I am a father now!! 


the mother see her first 

I think their is person a old lady by the sound of it, then I think I was being carried by her and then they gave me to a lady I can tell cause she holds me, then I tried to open my eyes but couldn't weird why can't I open my eyes?? And by the sound of it.... I don't want to assume things just going to make sure. Then after some struggle I was finally able to open the and saw a lady with red hair and I think dark blue eyes from what I could see for some reason I can't really see clearly then I was now sure l am baby! Oh my God what the actual hell when I thought a second chance at life this is not what I had in mind I have to grow up with children again I can't do that I am a 17 year old for fucks sake and I don't even like children....

Oh my Kami she has your hair aww... Mei is going to grow beautiful like you... 

Mei meet your brother Naruto... Naruto meet your baby sister Mei...

Wait what did you just say Naruto! I barely had time to process it, ​​​​​then the old lady took me away and I was snatched by someone then there was sound of something drop on the floor and an unfamiliar spoke.

Forth Hokage Minato, get away from the jinchuriki... 

Ooooo I am Naruto world aren't I, not only that but I am his sister...... that is not a surprise it's a shock God ! Not that I hate it but I would want to save his parents well now my parents too, now I can't do anything thing about it cause I am Baby! a fucking BABY!!!!! Ok let's calm down a little...then my inner monologue was cut off when this guy throws me in the air (which is obito). watch it dude what if I die I am a baby for god's sake. Then Minato saves me and Naruto then there was sound of an explosion which scared me a bit. 

Thank goodness....Mei or Naruto aren't hurt.

Then Minato teleports us to another place 

You will be safe here. Mei, Naruto just wait awhile. I have to go and save your mother 

He then left to save Kushina and came back with her some time later..he puts her down next to us and she hugged us close to her. Then she wishes Minato good luck for the fight with Obito, and the Nine Tails. And Kushina looks so scared the whole time maybe I should start calling her mom I mean she is my mother and call Minato dad. Then I started to grow tired stupid baby body gets easily sleepy though I wanted to witness the whole thing and I fell asleep.....Later I woke up to Naruto crying so it's not a dream huh. I really am in Naruto world.

Did I wake you up? .....I am sorry Naruto,Mei


I'm going to draw the Nine Tails....with me to... my death, so we can delay...the revival of the Nine Tails.... I'll be able to save all of you...with what little chakra I have left...... Thank you for everything you've done for me. Wait is it already time for that....then I hear ku... I mean mom and dad talk.

Kushina.... it's because of you that I'm the Forth Hokage! ...You made me a man! ...And you made me the father of two beautiful children... and yet.....

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