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"𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙...𝖆𝖑𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊'𝖘 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖚𝖎𝖙."

juno nodded lifting herself off the bed and grabbing her sling ring off the bedside table. i left her room with bucky right behind me as i bolted to my room. "do you need me to help?" he asked leaning against my bed frame as i went to grab the bracelet shuri had given me for my suit. " i think sorcerers are a bit out of your field of expertise buck," i smirked over at him as he rolled his blue eyes dramatically, " and now i get to pull a uno reverse on you." i placed my hand on his toned shoulder with a satisfied smile on my face contrasting with his bored expression. "i'll give you a call if i need my favorite super soldier." his head rolled back at the familiarity of the situation from when he was leaving with sam back in the summer. with a light sigh he shrugged my hand off his shoulder and knocked my head to the side playfully with his metal finger, " and i'll beat the shit out of you if you don't." he smirked repeating my words back to me making me laugh. juno appeared in the door way a moment later when my laughter calmed, "ready to go?" i nodded bumping my fist to bucky's as we all followed each other out of the apartment and going our separate ways.

juno and i took a portal to the sanctum since for obvious reasons the two bold words on the scroll made us think whatever was happening had to be urgent. we appeared in the lobby and was instantly hit with a rigid cold. ice covered the walls and two random people were shoveling snow from the floor. they gave us a weird look at the portal fizzled out behind us and the second juno stepped through she almost slipped on the ice. she grabbed on to me for support since her two left feet were never fond of ice. "stephen?' i yelled as my voice echoed through the hallow halls. in a flash we found ourselves downstairs in the gloomy basement thanks to one of stephen's spells no doubt. stephen was in the center of the cluttered room pacing back and forth muttering to himself before his head shot up in our direction. "so what's up doc?" he stared at me from his spot in the center of the room with a blank expression but the annoyance was just radiating off of him. "what's up is your little spider friend almost tore apart this reality so that you," he pointed a finger at juno," and your little friends could get into college." he huffed rubbing his temples as me and juno looked at each other with quirked brows. "what?" we said in unison only making the sorcerer in front of us throw a glare our way. "your partner in crime arrived here asking if there was a way for the world to not know that he was spiderman and you were the jinx. i proposed a spell and he changed it mid casting six times, which now brings us here," he pointed to the doorway across from us all aggressively," i contained the spell but it seems it was not in good time because beings from the multiverse have slithered through." my blood ran cold at his words. the multiverse i had already known was real for obvious reasons, how else would i have ended up in this world if it wasn't.

"where's peter?" juno asked for stephen to just nod back to the room he had just been referring to. once she had left the two of us alone he caught my expression. "i called you here since well..." he shrugged and i already knew where he was going with this. "yeah no shit sherlock." my arms wrapped around myself as if i was about to fall apart right in front of the former sorcerer supreme. "they were drawn here mainly because they know that peter parker is spider-man-" i cut off his sentence at that with my heart about to shoot from my chest. "how many have you found?" yes stephen was the best at what he does, not counting this specific fuck up, but if some got through out of who knows how many there was no telling what could happen. so i had to admit i was doubting his timing on containing this spell. "two have been locked up but peter said he saw another one on the bridge earlier." i nodded about to take a step towards the room. my mind was going haywire at all the possibilities, judging by how stephen was talking about them they were anything but normal people they had to be villains of spider-man.

"this could be your chance." the words made me freeze again in my place. i couldn't give him a response so he continued, " you've been waiting to go back home this long, this could be the opportunity you've been waiting for." past the door frame i could see juno hugging peter in the dim room only making my heart sink further. if this is it i'll have to leave everyone i have here behind. stephen must have noticed my shoulders sink, "i'll let you decide and you can let me know when they round the rest of them up." i nodded giving him a grateful look over my shoulder. he went back upstairs and i finally made my way over to juno and peter.

"so you figured out magic wasn't your thing huh spidey?" he groaned slightly as juno snickered at him. "yeah yeah i get it, mr. strange already yelled at me enough." he said bouncing on the balls of his feet. "so where are the bad guys you caught?" juno asked, peter looked as if a light bulb sparked to life above his head as he quickly beconded us to follow him past all the random junk they had in the basement. "so theirs this guy i found on the bridge, he's got like these weird metal octopus arms. he kinda messed up my suit but at least i can control his other arms now with the nanotech. and mr. strange caught the other one. i don't know he like a freaky dinosaur or something." my heart stopped for a split second right when he said that last bit.

there's no way he's here...

i followed behind the teens a bit farther until we made it to a small dungeon. i spotted the octopus guy first, he was yelling and trying to shift around in his cell but the metal arms coming from his back made it hard since they were firmly planted into the ground. "what are you looking at?!" he yelled once i realized i was staring too long. my mind merged with his for a moment but the loud noises in his mind quickly made me retract from him. "got a lot going on up top huh otto?" he looked down at me bewildered before he started to step forward again trying to intimidate me. once again he was forced to stand still. "didn't you say there was a dinosaur or something pete?" juno asked as she crossed her arms across her chest. peter nodded, "yeah he's over there, he likes to hide in his little corner though." peter's phone buzzed in his pocket and he quickly took it out, "oh mj and ned are here. i asked them to help us find the other bad guys." juno clapped happily at that and they rushed back upstairs to meet their friends. i watched as they left with a small smile however it quickly faded at the low rumbling growl that sounded behind me.

i could feel the heat drain from my skin as i recognized it instantly but i refused to turn around right now. "what a surprise...my darling y/n." his low voice rang into the dim room. otto was confused as his gaze shifted between the two of us, "what is this madness?" he mumbled to himself. i heard the reptile behind me shift in his cell getting closer to the magic wall that kept him inside. "it's strange...i was just about to end you and then i blink my eyes and here you are darling. it seems you've grown." with one sharp breath i turned on my heel to look him dead in his yellow eyes. it's strange that even after beating him to a pulp those eyes still made me nauseous. my head was held high and i made sure he couldn't see my hands shake. "last i checked i beat you beyond belief," i let the purple spark in my eyes like they had that night," would you like me to do it again, father?"

𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙~𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now