Walpurgis Part 1

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Author- Sorry this is so late and im going to make parts of this because I have limited time but still want to upload today

Rimuru POV

Just like that time flew by. Dont get me wrong I was not bored compared to the void but it was rather uneventful. The only thing that happened really would be that mine and Lumi-chans relation grew even closer. At this point I would not mind taking her as my wife. This made Ciel pretty Jelous but I reasurred her by telling her that she always takes first place as she is my first and my iternal partner. Which is true might I add. But just like this a long time went by I dont count years anymore since they are the same length as a heart beat but a few of them went by.

It was uneventful until I recieved a report from gunther about 3 rookies. If I remember right their name where clayman, frey and carrion. A puppeteer a harpee and a beast man respectavly. I must say they made quite a name for them selves even having their own kingdom.

I recieved a report from gunther stating that they have become self proclamed demon lord which makes sense since they are pretty weak. But once I got that report I got a thought transmission from Lumi

luminous"Ri can you please come to my room theres something important"

Rimuru " Coming Lumi"

arriving at her room I noticed that she has quite a serious face so a wide grin appeared on my face as I found an opportunity to tease her.

Rimuru "what has you so serious dont tell me you fell in love with someone else"

She looked suprised

Luminous "of course not I only love you"

I could notice a small blush on her face

Luminous "Anyways the important thing is that Walpurgis has been called. Its happening this evening so get ready and remember the plan Roy is the new demon lord while we are his mades. "

Rimuru" yes yes I remember im already ready so ill wait here till we get called"

Time skip few hours

3rd POV

after few hours a gate opened in Luminous room. Out of it came mizery.

Mizery" Luminous-sama im here to escort you to Walpurgis but I have been informed that Roy Valentine has taken your role."

Luminous" yes your right so lets go"

Mizery looked at her and then moved to the other servant she is bringing with her until you could see her shiver in fear and fall to the ground. Literally she bowed down on her knees and forehead touching the floor while her arms where on the ground as well infront of her head. Like she is praying to a diety one might say.

Mizery " Lord Rimuru Its good to see you again. Im glad you came back from the void"

She said while shivering from fear.

Rimuru "Stand up. I told you to just call me Rimuru-sama and now Im nothing but a servant to Valentine so please lead the way"

Mizery" Of course Rimuru-sama please follow me"

With that they stepped through the gate.


This is the end of this chapter. I know its shorter but I had barley any time to write this so ima put it into parts hope you enjoyed it tho.

One with the VoidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant