part twelve: getting somewhere

Start from the beginning

Well, mostly Jackie, Cole and Alex, I was just sort of there.

Just then, Katherine came rushing into the room, "Oh, thank goodness you guys are okay. How was your weekend?"

She pulled them both in for a hug and Cole said, "It was good. Very chore-y."

"Good, I'm glad." Katherine smiled, then turned to me, "Y/n, you and Isaac go first in the shower. I don't want you two catching a fever in the middle of the night."

"Okay." I nodded as she walked back out of the room. I turned back to Jackie, who had her brows raised.

"You and Isaac?" she grinned, "What's that about?"

"Yeah, I'd like to know too." Cole raised his hand. I rolled my eyes.

"The idiot tipped the canoe over and we fell into the lake."

Jackie and Cole let out loud laughs, and even Alex had managed to crack a smile. I stood there, crossing my arms.

"Shut up! It was freezing."

"I would've paid millions to see that." Jackie giggled. I scowled at them.

"Whatever. You guys are annoying and I'm gonna go wash this disgusting lake water off."

I turned on my heel, leaving them cracking up even more. I went up the stairs and to my room, grabbing all my toiletries and pajamas. When I left the room, I was met with Lee and Isaac fighting outside the upstairs bathroom.

"Dude, let me go." Isaac said, stepping to the side. Lee jumped in front of him, holding his hands out protectively in front of the door.

"No, I called dibs first." Lee defended.

"But Aunt Kathy said that Y/n and I go first." Isaac complained.

"I don't care. It's not my fault you fell into the lake."

"Well if Y/n wasn't being such a chicken-"

"Excuse me?" I put my hand on my hip. They both turned to me, each of them holding a towel and clothes in their hands.

"Converse." Isaac greeted me with a smile. "Did you do something with your hair? It looks a little-"

"It's wet." I interrupted, staring at him very unamused. His smile dropped and he looked down.

"Y/n, can you tell him that I called dibs so he has to wait in line?" Lee looked at me. I bit my lip, looking between the two of them.

"I don't know, Lee, Katherine did say-"

"Yes! See, I told you!" Isaac pumped his fist to celebrate, pointing at Lee.

Lee threw his hands up, "That's so unfair!"

"Sorry, Lee-atron, I would normally play you rock, paper, scissors but what Aunt Kathy says goes." Isaac sighed, "Unless Y/n wants to be a doll and let me share-"

"I'd rather gouge my eyes out." I put a hand up to stop him. I looked at Lee and sighed, "Sorry, Lee, I can't help you here."

Lee scoffed, pushing past the both of us and to their room, slamming the door behind him. I rolled my eyes, turning to the stairs when Isaac grabbed me by the hand.

"What?" I looked at him. He smirked at me.

"You know I wasn't joking. We could-"

"Oh, get bent."

I took my hand away and headed down the stairs, leaving him laughing obnoxiously as he watched me walk away.

Later that night as I laid in bed, Jackie snored softly on the other side of the room. It was quiet, other than the rain patting against the windows and the roof, and outside the occasional thunder boomed in the distance.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now