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Reya was more than angered that Sina had black mail on her. Reya got from her pocket a pocket knife which she pointed straight at Sina. "You shouldn't have done that! Everything was just fine until you did that! Why couldn't you have let things play out how they should have?!"

"And allow an ungrateful child like you kill me? Not a chance. You should have known that I'm a rather perceptive female. I read mystery books for a hobby. Surely you didn't think that I wouldn't have put the dots together Reya. All but you are gone in your family, you have two younger brothers who are introverted mutes that enjoyed playing hiding and go seek with their big sister. No outsider would know where to find those two cleaver males, it had to have been someone who knew them. The only one that's alive that knew about their hiding spot is you. Which made me wonder-why are you still alive if your entire family is gone?"

As Sina spoke she was calm as she stepped closer to Reya as her elder brother called the police on Reya. 

"Then it hit me, you had to be the one to kill them. But to get you to admit to it would have been hard to do had you not been on your laptop this entire time. I knew the best time to get you off guard would to have been when you're busy so you can tell me everything without a care in the world. And sure as heck, you did so without a care in the world or to check to see if your words would to have been kept a secret. You were took into everything to see that I had recorded you and your confession." Sina said as she kept her eyes locked on Reya's

Reya growled out angered and she jumped on Sina. "YOU BITCH! I HATE YOU! I WISH I HAD THE LIFE YOU HAD! JUST DIE!!!" Reya said as she stabbed Sina in the chest as the police came into the house as Sina screamed out in pain

The police took Reya in for what had happened to her as EMT's were called for Sina. Sina's elder brother went up to Sina and kept her awake as she was in tears. Her brother held onto her hand tightly as he looked down at her.

"You shouldn't have gotten close to her stupid."

"I...I'm sorry Jacob...But had she not stabbed me she...she would have done so to one of you guys. I...I needed to take this blow." Sina said weakly

"Sina...you dope, I can't believe you'd do this to yourself for a bunch of people that chose to ignore you on your own damn birthday." He said shaking his head

"I...I had to...I-I'm sorry Jake. Take one of our brothers instead of me...You guys always were annoyed about having me as a baby sister now...now you guys aren't going to have to worry about me." Sina joked as she looked up at her elder brother

Jacob shook his head. "You dumb ass! I always joked around with that! I don't feel accomplished at all as a big brother if you leave. D-Don't do this to me Sina."

"Bro I can feel myself slipping, It's just a matter of time. You can still be a big bro to Mitch and Mike...you don't need me around to have that title." Sina said as she let go of her brothers hand as her teal eyes shut

"Si....Si...C'mon Sina don't fake out on me like this. Wake up kid!" Jacob said in hysterics as he was in tears

It wasn't long till the EMT's came to get Sina, Jacob watched them take Sina out of the house as the police carefully took the knife out of her with gloves on. Once she was in the ambulance and was taken to the hospital he went to change his clothes and grabbed his keys. As he got his keys Mitchell and Michael both saw him hurry out.

"Dude what's the rush?" Michael asked

"That brat Reya stabbed Sina out of hate and envy for her. Sina is in the hospital and I'm going to see her while our parents are getting questioned about that brat."

"Wait...Si is in the hospital cause of that woman?! She promised us she wouldn't hurt her!" Michael said shocked as he got up

"Well she lied to you two. If you want to go get your damn shoes on I'll lock the door and let ma know."

The two males got up and placed their shoes on before the three of them went to the hospital to see their baby sister. When Jacob got to the hospital the three of them went into the hospital as Jacob asked about Sina. 

"Hello, I'm here to see my baby sister Sina Hanabe. She came here in an ambulance with a knife wound." Jacob asked

"She's still being looked at in the ER, when the doctor is done I will let her know that you are here to see her."

"Okay...Thank you."

Jacob went to the other two who were concerned about their sister. "What's goin' on with Si?" Michael asked concerned

"She's in the ER, I really hope she survives it. She passed out on me and told me something that really irks me to no end."

Mitchell and Michael raised an eyebrow at the elder brother "What did she tell you?" Mitchell asked confused

"She said that since she'll be gone that we won't have to worry about complaining about having a little sister anymore...I think we've communicated to Sina that we don't even want her in the house when we joke around with one another about her."

Mitchell and Michael looked at one another shocked as they both felt guilty of making fun of having her for a younger sister. None of them spoke after that and instead kept their ears and eyes out for anyone concerning their baby sister. It wasn't long before a female doctor came towards them after talking with the secretary. 

"Are you three here for Sina Hanabe?" The doctor asked

Jacob got up concerned "Yeah, how is my baby sis?"

"Alive and well. We were able to get the bleeding to stop. She was a lucky one for sure, that knife was close to her heart. But there was no internal damage done to her. She'll be out in a few minutes once a check up is done on her."

Jacob felt a wave of relief go over him as he heard the doctor speak. "Alright, thank you very much for what you've done to save my sister."

"Of course, she does have stitches on her chest now because of that blade going into her. She also will probably have issues moving her left arm a bit and her strength will not be what it was and there will be no way for her to regain what she lost immediately. She will have to take it easy for two weeks before she's able to do things regularly once more."

Jacob nodded his head as he listened to the doctor. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind and let our parents know about it."

The doctor left and Jacob sat down with a hand over his face. "Fuck me that woman gave me a scare." He muttered to himself

"Jake...what's going on with Si?" Mitchell asked

"She's alive and well, we'll see her in a few minutes or so after her check up. She has to take it easy and will need help with things her left side may end up causing her problems. We need to be there for her until she can function properly once more." Jacob said as he took his hand from his face and looked at the two males

Mitchell and Michael nodded their heads as they went outside to wait for Jacob and Sina. When Sina had her papers she was stunned to see Jacob there. When Jacob saw her he went up to her and tightly hugged her tightly. "Woman, I swear to fuck you even think about scaring me like that and I'll be damn sure you pay for it."

"Love you too Jacob." Sina said jokingly as she looked up at her elder brother

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora