Hold On Till May

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Men were dirty. They had filthy minds, they had grimy hands. Jaemin felt every single one that had ever touched his body, he felt the remains and the traces left behind. He felt disgusting, like he was meant for this, he was meant to be handled with such revolt. Current hands had still groped onto parts of his body he had never wanted to be touched, but he let them, for if he didn't he would be killed.

Music blasted throughout the club, his ears becoming immune to the strong sound and he now just tuned every noise he heard out; unless of course he was called by some other client to go do some more dancing. He felt the vibrations of sound waves and footsteps wave through his body, a sigh escaping his lips as he made his way to the stage to go on.

There was fog still surrounding the platform, the lights not flashing anymore but rather staying static and holding some reds and blues. Jaemin hated dancing, he hated being here and he hated the people here, he hated the life he was living.

But he really loved his family, the people he had currently lived with and basically grew up with.

The crowd around the stage had now seemed to lead off to the bar or to find the strippers wandering around the floor. The main number of the night had just finished, their most popular dancer had been on stage for a certain amount of time before she quickly left to go back to hiding in the back.

Jaemin continued his walk towards the stage, wiping at his brows before his eyes fell on the girl of the night. Jane had seemingly ran into a boy, some younger looking kid in the crowd which hadn't been odd, but it had been more rare on occasion as the club had usually been filled with older men; or perverts.

She looked angry, but then again she always did. Jaemin's pink hair fell over his eyes as they squinted, his lips pulling in a smirk as he watched Jane yell at the boy before stomping away, in Jaemin's direction. He always found it funny how angry her or Renjun had always been.

He watched as the boy she was yelling at stared at her in shock and confusion, Jaemin wondering what had even been going on. Jane stomped towards the pink haired boy, not glancing at him, but Jaemin quickly turned to follow her anyways.

"Who was that?" He asked teasingly, grinning as she grunted.

"Some fucking dumbass. Go on stage." She answered, shoving the boy away from her.

The boy smiled at her but felt his chest grow tight at her words, he didn't want to go on stage. He wanted to leave and never come back, he wanted to go home to a nice house and some cooked food and a family.

His head spun a bit, as it always did when he was working. He tried to force his thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind, running a hand through his hair as he made his way to the stairs of the stage.

Jaemin was a popular dancer at the club, probably one of the most popular male strippers there. It wasn't exactly something he was happy about though, for that meant twice as many hands on him than it did for the other dancers here. Of course, Jane had been the biggest star here, but when it came down to the others, the pink haired boy always found himself being flaunted and followed by the hunger of men.

It's been like that his whole life, men's eyes always following him. He was a cuddly boy, touchy and he always had a ton of love to give when it came to the right people. Even his guy friends, which he always found easy to make; which led to the idea of him being gay flood it's way into everyone else's minds.

He wasn't gay, he liked women and he knew that. He knew that. He wanted everyone else to know that. He wanted everyone's hands off of him.

Jaemin grasped onto the railing as he walked up the stairs to the stage, the lights dim so the audience couldn't make him out yet. A couple other dancers had walked up on stage with him, the hour just being them free styling on the poles and floor for everyone that had now been there.

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