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Brent POV:

Brent realized the other could still be alive, but doesn't know how.. he decided to investigate Nick's body without being caught by the ghost! It wasn't easy, since the ghost came in every five minutes, plus he had to sample some flesh from Nick!

Brent: "I'm gonna be sick.."

He finally finished with Nick's body and started to prepare to leave. Brent was slightly nervous about the test, so he put the piece of flesh in the container, and dissolved it.. he sees some Nonylphenol in there.. that's a chemical in rubber/plastic

Brent: "wait a minute.. *gasp* I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED I THINK!!"

Brent runs to the fire station with the container in hand

Chief: "what happened, sir? Are you okay?"
Brent: "no! I need to see you and a police officer! I figured something out regarding my friend's deaths!!"

A police officer enters the room

Officer: "I'm here, what seems to be the problem?"
Brent: "I'll explain it the best I can.. so I'm the last month 3 of my friends died, the first being Carnig, died from a fire accident, Nick claimed he saw the burning hand of him, but when he saw the ghost, the hand wasn't there, leading me to believe he's actually dead. Noah is a different story, when we found his body I found it strange, how was he so perfectly lined up in a poll, plus the commotion was in my room. There had to be one answer. Noah was kidnapped. Same with Nick, before he could hang himself he was kidnapped, I noticed this because there were no signs of hanging wounds on his body or suffocation at all. Which means one thing. Noah and Nick aren't dead, just kidnapped."

The police officer stays quiet

Officer: "ok I get what your saying, but who exactly did it?"

Brent sighs as he realized, there could have only been one person who could do this! And that person had to be..


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