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Draco's POV:

"Draco, you have two options only two. Hogwarts or Muggle School? you have until tomorrow morning to decide and that's final!" my mother shouts. "Mum, if i go to muggle school my wand will be taken away. I won't have magic!" I shout back. She rolls her eyes and turns to face me. "Then go back to Hogwarts. I mean what do you want me to say. You're lucky their letting you back in the first place. I cannot send you to Durmstrang." she turns back around and walks out of the room. I sigh and just stand there for a minute and walk back to my room. Hogwarts is the last place I want to be at, well other than muggle schools. It's my fault though so i can't even be angry. I was the one who sided with Voldemort. I tried to kill Dumbledore. If i go back to Hogwarts they won't ever trust me again. I mean I wouldn't trust me either. "AUHH" i grown as i slam my bedroom door shut. I will only have to go to Hogwarts for 8 months and if i go to muggle school I'll be there for 8 months and the next 4 months after that, my wand will be taken. I won't get my wand back due to the fact I'll have nothing to do with Hogwarts. We can only have them after are school years if you will continue to be a part of the wizarding world.

I think for a moment. I cannot go to muggle school, i won't. I'm going back to Hogwarts. I can't just go back though i have to do something before i just show up. i get out a small piece of paper and a pin.


i know i am the last person you want to hear from but i am coming back to Hogwarts. I am truly sorry, for what happened a few months ago and before that even. He WAS going to kill me if i hadn't killed Dumbledore or tried. I know it's not an excuse. I would use the "you would've done the same", but i know you wouldn't have. Just know that i am truly sorry.

- Malfoy

I am sorry. Truely, i am. I know he won't forgive me but it's worth a shot. I wish he would, but i cannot wish that after what I've done. The worst part is i kind of wished that Voldemort killed me. It selfish, the reason why. I wanted him to kill me after i tried to kill Dumbledore. I wouldn't have to deal with Hogwarts, the students, and the guilt. I hate myself for it. I loved Hogwarts and now once i go back the only person that would actually want me there would be snape.

My owl swoops into my room as i raise my arm to give him the folded paper in my hand. "Potter, Harry Potter." i say as the quiet bird swoops back out of the room and into the sky. Just as fast as he had come, he went. I fall back into the chair near my bed. i wipe my face with my hand and lean forward. I realize then that i was crying. I rarely cried. My father always told me that Malfoys don't cry. "Crying is for the weak and we're not weak." he would say after I cried skinning my knee on the pavement. My father despised emotions, he and my mother had that in common. They didn't care about anything other than money and power.

There was no room for failure in are family. Failure is also for the weak. "If you can't win now, you will never win." father had said after Slytherin had lost the quidditch match. I always let him get to me. i Pick the picture of us on my desk up and think of all the things he has said to me during the whole Voldemort thing. It doesn't matter now that he is in Azkaban. i throw the picture across the room and cup my face in my hand and shake my head. I sit there for a moment just thinking.

I sit up a few minutes later hearing something in my room. when i look up i see my owl, Ulysses sat on my desk looking at me. It felt like 10 minutes, but an hour had gone by, meaning that harry had gotten my letter by now.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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