Chapter 5- I love you

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Alaina's POV
He walked out of class crying after our teacher had given him permission to go home.

I felt bad for him for a second then I thought, serves him right he laughed in my face when I poured my heart out to him. I hate him and I really mean it this time.

Besides I have Tyson, the nicest person I've ever met and he's very respectful. I think I'll introduce him to Marcus. Marcus likes everyone so I think he'll like Tyson.

Im sure you're wondering. Where are my parents? They died a few months ago in a plane crash on the way to another business trip. Nothing really changed much though they were always on business trips so Marcus and I raised ourselves mostly. We weren't close with our parents, We had the help of Ava and Blake's parents but besides that it's always been Marcus and I against the world. Plus Ava on my part. Despite the fact I hate Blake he's always been there too. Child protective services let us live by ourselves because we inherited a great amount of money and had our best friend's parents right next door. We are also both 16+ and Marcus turns 18 in a month.

I had to get through two more classes of school. Then I'll talk to Marcus about having Tyson over today for dinner or something.

I know you might be thinking Tyson is just using me because I became hot. He's not I swear, he was the only guy who actually said I'm beautiful instead of hot. He said and I quote "Hey Alaina, I think you're beautiful and was wondering if I could be your boyfriend?"

I think him and I will last a very long time if Marcus approves of him.

It's finally the end of the school day and I talked to Marcus when I saw him in the hallway. He agreed to let Tyson come over tonight for dinner to meet him. I value Marcus' opinion a lot because he pretty much raised me. So if he says he doesn't like Tyson. Then Im sorry to Tyson but he's out of the picture.

Marcus already kind of knows Tyson because they are in the same grade and they're both sports people.  I hope he approves of Tyson though.

We are on our way home Tyson and I hand in hand. Marcus and Ava in front of us talking. They've been getting suspiciously close lately. Im gonna ask Ava about it later.

We finally arrived to my house after walking for about 15 minutes. I saw Blake's car outside so I assumed he was at my house. I hate him so much but I still have to see him... CONSTANTLY.

Ava and I were in the living room watching tv while Marcus, Tyson, and sadly Blake made dinner and had some 1 on 1 on 1 time I guess.

Blake was quiet which is unusual. Then again I don't really care. Marcus sounded pissed. Tyson sounds happy so I'm confused. I'll talk to Marcus later after Tyson leaves.

They finished making dinner they kept it simple and just made spaghetti. We all sat at the dinner table. Tyson on one side of me and Ava on the other. Across from Ava was Blake and across from me was Marcus. We started talking about sports.

Marcus- "Lains, when is volleyball tryouts?"

Tyson turns to me

Tyson-"Babe, you play volleyball?"

Me- "yup have for 6 years. I also play softball."

His eyes grow wide. How did he not know what sports I play? I literally talk about them all the time

Me-"anyways tryouts are in a week from tomorrow. So i have 8 days to  prepare"

Marcus-"thats kind of stupid having tryouts on a Friday"

Blake chimes in. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice.

Blake-"because the coach is stupid"

Me-"just like you" I muttered but he and Ava heard me because he looked at me like a deer in headlights and Ava bursted out laughing.

Blake-"Really, at least I don't change my whole appearance when someone rejects me."

Me- "maybe I wouldn't have if that someone didn't laugh in my face when I poured my heart out to him" tears forming in my eyes remembering it again.

Marcus and Ava looked confused and looked between us. Tyson grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Blake- "well maybe if you had heard him out before running away you
would've heard the whole statement he was saying"

Me- "I hate you"

Blake- "I love you"

your eyes grew wide at that.

Me- "What"

Blake-"I love you Alaina Rose Schream"

Me-"I cant fucking do this right now. Babe let me walk you out."


I proceeded to walk out the door and walk Tyson to his friend's car. Before he walked away though he kissed me. It was aggressive. Then he said "you're mine. Remember that"

That statement pissed me off. Im not anyones property. I am his girlfriend but in all honestly I don't think that gonna be true for much longer.

My enemy next door(Incomplete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora