|◇ Seashell◇| Yan! Furina x Fem! reader

Start from the beginning

"How?.. I thought you were just-"
Looking back up to face Rosaline, you see that she's gone... a small tap was heard and looking next to you, you see a small teal-ish black pearl.

You pick up the pearl and hold it close before putting on the clothes that were handed to you

The clothes weren't the nicest, they were a bit dirty and the sleeves were torn slightly and the pants had holes in the knees but they were warm and definitely better then nothing...

You walked to the only door you saw and tried to open it. Surprisingly, it was locked.

You saw a small thick metal line atop the keyhole placed horizontally. You grabbed the metal line and turn it vertically, you hear a click and out of curiosity, attempt to open the door again. This time it opens!

It didn't take long for you to realize that you had no idea where you were or how to leave.

You wandered the halls of this building till eventually stumbling upon a balcony! You looked out from said balcony and saw a huge body of water! Looking down you saw how close the water truly was. Looking around you saw no trees or stuff you could possibly climb down.

The pearl of Rosaline fell out of the pocket of your pocket and landed next to a rope. You swear that rope wasn't there a second ago...

You grabbed the rope and tied it to the banister. The knot you tied wasn't the best but it looked sturdy enough...

You climbed down the rope and finally made it to the ground.

You started walking to the water, overcome with joy!

But this joy was soon replaced with dread as you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

"Y/n? What are you doing out here without Miss Furina?"
You didn't know the man's name but he often came to drag Furina away from your tank when she's stayed too long. He had long white hair and to you, resembled an otter.

You didn't waste another second before running to the water. It felt so much further now that you were running to it.

Actually... it didn't feel like you were moving at all. Like you were just running in one place.

"I can't let you leave. Miss Furina would be devastated."

"Why would I be devastated?"
You hear the curious voice of Furina from somewhere behind you.

You hear a small gasp followed by stomping

"Seashell! What on teyvat do you think you're doing!?"
You felt yourself being released by the white haired man only to have your arm roughly grabbed by an angry Furina

You had never seen Furina so mad...

You were scared. Scared of her anger. Scared of her.

She was dragging you through the Halls, you felt teats well up in your eyes, you didn't know where you were going...

She threw you onto the ground in some room you didn't recognize.

You saw her expression change from anger to sadness to just utter disappointment...

"Why? Just, why? I have been nothing but kind to you. Should I have been more cruel to you? Was I not enough for you!?"
Her Voice kept getting louder

"I didn't even know know mermaids could have human legs without giving a witch their voice, like that book. How you got clothes is something that intrigues me, same with how you escaped... Y'know what! I don't care. That doesn't matter to me."
She quiets down a bit and that unsettles you...

"I'm sorry-"
You try to muster up an apology through your tears

"Ah ah, I don't want to hear it. I'm incredibly disappointed and honestly, kinda embarrassed."
She stared at you with a piercing gaze

"You will be punished accordingly for this act of rebellion, and I think we'll start with the hair!"
Furina walked to a nearby counter and grabbed a pair if scissors, wasting no time hacking your long hair off.

You were a mess, crying on the ground as Furina discarded your once lovely locks.

"I'll be keeping an even closer eye on you now, you brat. I don't know what was going on in your young mind but the if you ever try that again, I'll break you legs. And tail, for that matter."
Furina crouched down to your crying form on the ground, a threatening look in her eyes.

"Mark my words, Seashell~"
Furina smirked and pat your head

You hid your face in your hands, hoping for a miracle to take tou away from this crazy person. You were crying, shaking and felt like throwing up.

"Let's get you clothes that match mine, Seashell! Better so everyone recognizes who you belong too. Don't take that the wrong way, dear."

Furina picked you up with little to no struggle and began carrying you. Once again you didn't know where, but you were too upset to even care...

You heard a small clacking on the ground as you saw the pearl of Rosaline fall out of the pocket of your pants and roll off a nearby balcony....

You watched in sadness and slight envy as the pearl left you and reached freedom. A freedom you'd never achieve...


I like Furina :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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