01 | Reborn, Resist, Resolve, Relieve, Revolve

Start from the beginning

I went to the park, my head hurts, maybe for the beating, but-, nevermind

After some time at the park, I went to a convenience store to buy some dorayaki. I was about enter, but I saw two boys that made my soul run with the devil, but in the end I went in and bought a couple of dorayakis, and some other things to make dinner, after, I went to my old appartment to get some rest and see my little sister, she's 4 years, but I think she is a genius, because she's not going to kindergarten, she's going to first grade in elementary school.

"How are you, my little princess?" I asked, hugging my sister

"I'm good, and you?" She asked me with a smile on her face

"I could be better, but if I'm with you, I'm fine." I said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek "How was school today?" I said, while I went to the kitchen to make dinner

"It was amazing! I had a 100 in the exam!" She said, you could almost see the stars in the girl's eyes

"That's my girl!" I said excitedly

She was talking to me, and I was cooking at the same time, the dinner was some sushi I made.

"Wahhh" The girl was very excited, she took a bite and... "Nii-San, How can you cook so well!?" The girl was delighted with the food

The rest of the dinner was calm, and Hikari ended asleep, so I took her to the bed we share and Before I knew it, I was already asleep

Now is another day so, I took a bath and woke up Hikari, who got into the bath after me, I got dressed and didn't comb my hair like before, but I left my normal hair and bleached it since I don't like this hair color, Hikari came out already dressed in her uniform and only her hairstyle was missing and that she will put breakfast in her backpack.

The only thing we had for breakfast was a Dorayaki, and so I accompanied Hikari to her school, which was not far from my school.

"Goodbye princess" I I said goodbye to her and went to my school. If you're wondering why I have to take care of her, it's because my parents died in a car accident 3 years ago, and the inheritance is the apartment and a huge amount of money that I use to buy food and something else, I also have a job, but I only work the weekends. I work in a café not far from my school.

"We'll be doing an underground fight today too. Kiyomasa-kun just called me, and he said the fighter today is... Takuya" Akkun said, I think he's worried for Takuya

"Takemichi...watch my fight!"Takuya said to me "I'm gonna get revenge for you, if I win, you'll buy me some gyudon, Won't you?" He said giving me 
a smile

"Takuya..." I said

"Do your best Takuya!"


"You can't lose when it comes with determination!"

I had thought they were so lame, but they are pretty cool after all. I had such great friends when I was in middle school.

"Hello, gentlemen. The competitors are just as it said in the email!!" Kiyomasa said before introduce the competitors "We have Sakura middle's, Kojima!!"


"Don't just say 'yeah' moron."

"And Mizo middle's, Yamamoto!!" Kiyomasa-Sempai introduced my friend "The odds are 4 to 6 slightly in Kojima's favor!"

'Give it all ya got, Yamamotooo!' 'I bet 500 yen on ya! (If ya lose I'll be bankrupt!)'

Of what I can see Yamamoto was scared and the bully of the other middle school doesn't help

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