Chapter 13

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The day before our flight was spent packing and getting things ready for the 11 hours of nonstop flying we were about to face. Conor and I finished and fell asleep at around 10 PM because our flight was scheduled for 7 AM, but we woke up at 6 AM. We decided to go in our pyjamas to save us some time, but we got there at 6:55. We were lucky the pilot was running late!

The flight wasn't much fun, but it wasn't boring either. Conor was writing more songs while I read fan fiction online. So I like reading it, sue me.

We got to LAX at around 7 PM, where my brother Tyler was waiting for us. The car ride home didn't seem as awkward as I thought it would be. Tyler and Conor were joking around as if they had known each other for years! I think Tyler actually liked Conor more than Chase.

When we got to my parents' house, we took our luggage up to my old room, which looked exactly the same as I had it when I left. The same pictures were on the nightstand, the same music note was painted on the wall, and the same sheets were on my bed.

"Ally! Come down for dinner!" I led Conor to the dining room and we joined my family for dinner. "Spaghetti and meatballs with sweet bread, your favorite." She served me a plate and handed it to me. "So Ally, where's Chase? I thought you said he was going to come with you. Or is his not your boyfriend anymore?"

I shook my head, trying to think of an excuse. "We're still together, but he has a project due at the end of holidays, so I invited Conor to come with me so I wouldn't have to come alone." Good excuse?

"Yep. I got dragged over here by your daughter." Conor chuckled as I playfully slapped his arm. "I'm kidding. I'm actually honored that she invited me so I can meet you all."

"What are you to Ally?" Tyler...

Conor turned to me to answer. "He's been my best friend since the start of uni. I met him the first day of classes and we basically had every class together, so we became close since then. I was lucky I found him, or else I would've been lost all day."

"Oh Ally, what would you do without me?"

"I probably would've saved my money and gotten a refund for your plane ticket." He made a pouty face, which made me laugh even more than I already was. "Seriously, I probably would've come back to Malibu and studied somewhere near here."

"If you came back, I would never have the house to myself!" Really Tyler? Really? "Oh, by the way, you guys are sleeping in the living room. I'm going to sleep in your room."

"Not in a million years, dude! Conor and I are going to sleep in the room. You could sleep outside with the dog. I bet she's a great cuddler!" He rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"I don't think it's a good idea for both you and Conor to sleep in your room. There's only one bed." Oh mother...

"Mom, we're not going to do anything. Conor and I have slept together many times before." Suddenly, all eyes were focused on me. "You know what I mean you dirty-minded people!"

Tyler cleared his throat. "If you want, I'll check on them every now and then. I'm going to be watching some movies and playing video games, anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem." This is why I love you, Tyler.

My mom finished the last of her dinner and sighed. "I guess it's okay, but I don't want anything more than sleeping going on. Got it?" We nodded and finished our dinner. "If anything else, and I MEAN, anything else, happens in that bedroom while you're here, well, you know."

"What does your mom mean?" I grabbed a sweet bread and chopped it in half with my knife to give Conor a little visual of what would happen. He put his hands over his pants, letting out a little cry. "Now I don't even want to sleep in the same room as you!"

I rolled my eyes and took our dishes to the kitchen to wash. "Why don't you start unpacking and I'll be up there in a few?" He nodded and made his way to my room. I let out a sigh. "Mom, did you really have to do that?"

"Do what, honey?" Here she goes playing innocent...

"Embarass me in front of Conor! That was totally uncomfortable for the both of us." I finished washing the last dish while she just laughed. "It's not funny, mother."

"Looks like somebody has a little crush on him." I turned around, hoping she wouldn't notice I was blushing. "Ally, DO you have a crush on him?" I just hummed, hoping she would leave me alone, but it didn't work. "You do! But what about Chase? Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, but we've been fighting these past couple of days. I really want to break up with him, but-"

"But what?" Do I tell her?

I shook my head, trying to buy me some time to think of how to continue. "But, I love him. We've been a couple for almost three years, and it would be pathetic if I broke up with him. I just, I don't know, Mom." She came up to me and let me cry on my shoulder for a while, until I noticed Conor had been standing there the whole time. "Conor." He walked to the door and ran outside. I followed behind him, finding him on the front porch swing. "Conor, I-"

"You what?Remember the day we went to the Hawaiian restaurant with Anna?" I nodded my head. "Well, remember everything I said when I was asking you to be my girlfriend?" I nodded again. "I meant all of that. I thought you knew I did, but I guess you didn't. Now that you know, it doesn't make a difference."

I took his hand and sat with him. "I really didn't know, and I'm sorry. I do want us to be more than friends, but I'm with Chase. You know it wouldn't be right."

"Why don't you break up with him?"

My eyes started to tear up. "I can't, Conor."

"I know. It's because you love him," he said, sarcasm and annoyance in his voice.

"He told me if I even tried to break up with him, he would kill me!" By now, the tears were coming out fast. "Remember the day you told me you were worried because of how Chase had grabbed my hand and dragged me to our dorm?" He nodded and his face turned more serious. "The night before, when he dragged me back there, he pushed me. Twice. He also tried to hit me because I told him I wanted us to be over, and that's when he told me he would kill me if I ever tried to break up with him again.

I've been keeping this all a secret to protect you. To protect my family. To protect everyone I love. I knew if I even tried to break up with him again, he would go against everyone I love to make me understand that breaking up with him would be bad."

"Ally, is that what you wanted to tell me the other day at the talent show?" I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug. "You should've told me since the first time he did this. I would've knocked some sense into that asshole."

"Don't. Please. He's strong, Conor. Trust me, I would know." I pulled my shirt down a bit and revealed the bruise Chase left me when he punched my arm. It was still purple, but fading. "He did this to me when he found out we went to the park together. I told him nothing happened, but he didn't believe me."

He pulled my shirt back up and kissed my forehead. "You're going to be okay. I'll find a way to get him in trouble because this is unacceptable." He let out a sigh. "I can't help but think this is all my fault. I shouldn't have bumped into you that first day at uni."

"First of all, I bumped into you." He chuckled and put his arm around me. "Second of all, this isn't your fault. Chase used to tell me he wanted to be different. He didn't want to be the nerdy kid at school anymore. I guess he got his wish."

"Why don't we go inside and get ready for bed? You need to take advantage of being here and get as much rest as you could." I nodded and he led me inside the house up to my room. "You go to sleep and I'll finish unpacking."

I shook my head and dragged him onto my bed. "We'll unpack in the morning. You need your rest, too, so join me." We got under the covers and he held me at my waist. "Goodnight, Conor." I gave him a peck on the lips and rested my head on his chest.

"Goodnight, Ally."


Can we get this to 1K reads and 50 votes?! I bet we could! :D

Love you guys so much! (: xx

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