Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 15)

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Trying again, I set my hand on the top of the rock trying to pull myself up, but the waves were crashing too hard.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I finally had a good grip on the rock when I felt a strong hand pull me out of the water on to the rock. Looking up, I saw Danny's features.

I couldn't say much because I was breathless. Swimming was a good work out, but it wasn't for me. When I couldn't get out I started panicking, which only made everything worse. I was thankful that Danny had shown up in the nic of time. I guess you could say he was my hero.

I lay back on the rock once I was out of the water, breathing hard. I hadn't noticed until then, I was only wearing a pair of panties. Quickly, I looked down at my bare chest and covered it up with my arms.

"What in the hell were you thinking?" Danny growled at me, he tone was high and almost scary. "Did you not see the caution flag?"

I watched Danny as he paced back and forth from the rocks. I shook my head quickly, "It wasn't bad until I started swimming back. I just wanted to know what it would feel like." I hesitated for a moment as I kept my eyes on his. "You know, swimming in the ocean at night."

Danny didn't say much at first, until he finally looked up at me. His eyes were alarmed, they were big and scared. "It's not something you need to be doing alone. Ever again." His voice was deep and angry.

"I didn't think that it would be dangerous."

"Well it is, Samantha." He waved his hands around as he protested. "It's very dangerous."

My heart warms as I notice how much Danny actually did care. It felt great to know that he was worried. Or really, it felt great to know that I wasn't the only one worried.

My insides rattled as I wanted to bust out in tears. I was so happy to see him, thinking he was standing me up was the worst feeling in the world.

I stood there in silence as he stared blankly at me. I had no clue what to say or do, plus I was still standing there topless. I wasn't wearing anything but panties; I know Danny had seen me completely naked before but I was feeling completely uncomfortable. And cold.

Danny finally moves towards me slowly. I couldn't quite figure out the stare in his eyes. They were just as deep looking as they usually were, I just didn't know what they were thinking. Half of me wanted to say that they looked angry at me, and the other half says that they were longing for me.

I hated the feeling of not ever knowing.

I shiver as the wind started blowing harder. Danny's reactions were slow, and I didn't know if he was trying to get closer to feel me, or just get closer in general.

Danny finally leans down and grabs my sweater and hands it to me silently.

"Thanks." I said as I quickly slipped it on. Part of me wanted to keep it off, and let Danny take me right there on the rocks. It was obvious that wasn't on his mind though.

We finally sat on the rocks with both of our legs swinging in the water. We sat in silence for the most part, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was more like peaceful.

We were both relaxing, enjoying listening to the waves crashing on the shore.

I didn't know how much more of the silence I could take from him anymore though. I had to break it; otherwise I would have gotten out of bed tonight for nothing. "So, why did you need to see me?" I finally asked.

"You know exactly why I needed to see you. I can't do anything throughout the day without thinking about what you are doing or where you are." He glanced over at me and smiles; I would never forget his smile.

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