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Kirke stood waist deep in the water, a fishing spear in hand, as he glanced towards his youngr sister, wading through the water toward him. The water reached the top of her chest before she had finnally reached him.

Kirke gave her a warm smile, and took his focus off his task just for a moment, "Hey V."

"Kirke." She smiled brightly, leaning into his comforting embrace.

"Shouldnt you be with your friends?" Kirke looked towards the dock nearbye, where a few kids were diving into the depths of the water. The sunset focusing behind them, making them only dark figure in the orange light.

Avi shrugged, and grabbed the spear from Kirke's hand and swam forward infront of him, she dissapeared as kirke laughed, beneath the waters surface. Due to her agile speed, and lightweight body she was a diver, spending most of her time beneath the shore. Avi's head popped up a few feet away, the water dripping off her, as she floated, turning to kirke with a smile. She wasnt older than thirteen at the time, and it was a few weeks before the reaping, the very one that took Kirke away from her. "Look!" She called out, holding a glowing rock infront of her.

"Toss it over." He shouted towards her,  he was way drier than the girl, only a few specks of water, dripped off his bare chest, most likely from the splashing. The very sight made almost every district four girl, woo for him. Avi threw it at him, the boy catching it with agile speed, and examind it. "You know what this is, V?"

The girl shook her head, swimming back over to him, and clung onto his waist. He used his free hand to move her to his back, her chin resting on his shoulder as she peered at the rock with curiosity. 

"Its a yooperlight." He told her, twisting the rock over in his hand.

"A what?" She frowned.

"Its a district four custom, extremly rare, espeically after the war." He shook his head in amazement.

"So is it worth anything?" Avi inquired, cuasing Kirke to laugh.

"Yeah, a whole lot." He said, "but you keep it." He handed the rock back over as Avi hopped down from his back. Kirke noticied the way her face lit up with joy, as she heard his words.

"Really?" She gasped, Kirke couldnt help but feel happy as he watched her wade out of the water, calling out to Leer, who was on the shore, setting up nets. "Leer!"

Leer looked up for a moment, smiling as the younger girl, collapsed into his arms, making him stumble over into the sand. He sat up quickly, helping Avi to stand infront of him, his hands falling between his legs.

"Look what I found!" She showed him her new discovery.

"Well isnt that something." Leer squinted, the sun getting in his eyes.

"Kirke's letting me keep it." Leer glanced towards the boy in question, who still stood in the water, his arms crossed as he watched the interaction in awe. Leer spared him a wave, and ruffled Avi's hair as he stood up. 

"Better not lose it then."

"Never." Avi denied, and Leer took it from her hands and tossed it onto Kirke's jacket he had long discared hours ago. He picked Avi up by the waist and threw her over his shoulder, walking towards the waterline as she let out a string of loud happy giggles. "Leer let me go!"

"I think Miss trouble over here is up to something." He called to Kirke, who abandoned his work as he made his way over to them, smiling.

"Is that right, Ly ly." He inquired.

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