Chapter 8--The Crystal Planet

Start from the beginning

“I ain’t likely to be forgetting that, doc,” Uncle snapped. “Just point us in the right direction and we’ll be out of here.” He tugged uselessly at the arms that held him.

“Mr. Weatherly,” Dr. Spinner sighed. “If that were possible, I would gladly join you in your escape.” He stared past Uncle’s left shoulder at some unseen memory for a moment, and then shook it off. “I’ve been looking for the way ‘out of here’ as you so succinctly put it, for over two hundred years. If there is a way off this planet, I have yet to find it.”

Uncle stiffened between the two men who held him. “You’re telling me you are two hundred years old! That’s impossible!” He scoffed, giving Dr. Spinner the look, which did not seem to impress Dr. Spinner at all.

“I never heard such a load of bull!” Uncle snorted.

I had to agree with Uncle, as I studied Dr. Spinner. He looked old. Sure. But in the same way everybody over thirty looked old. He certainly didn’t look that old……not two hundred years old. . . old! Sheesh. He shouldn’t even be breathing!

“Older than that, actually,” confessed Dr. Spinner wistfully, looking back on his memories again. With an exhale, he shut the door on whatever painful recollections tormented him. He took a deep breath and let it out before continuing.

“I was twenty-seven the year The Evangeline IV left Liverpool on August 1, 1798. We were bound for the Bahamas. We were caught in the Bermuda Triangle, the same way you were, I imagine.

“I arrived here on Dardara on Septimani 11, 12,076 AF, according to the Dardarian calendar, which incidentally is 400 days long to earth's 365.”

Dr. Spinner tapped his chin with a gnarled finger and did the calculation in his head.

“I’ve been here on Dardara two hundred four years. Why that makes me two-hundred fifty years old” he said, surprised. “Has it really been that long?”.

“Nobody can live that long?” Uncle said.

“On Dardara, they not only can. They do. It is a side effect of the crystals. Their healing powers constantly try to rejuvenate every cell in a living organism.”

“You mean if we stay here, we would live that long?”

“Exactly. I tell you, Mr. Weatherly, I’ve seen some unbelievable, implausible, things since I’ve been here on Dardara. Longevity is merely one amongst many. The healing methods employed by the healers here—they are simply incredible.”

“You’re shi.., really?” Uncle stuttered, trying to wrap his mind around the effects of the crystals. I could tell by the way his eyebrows scrunched together.

“Really,” affirmed Dr. Spinner. “Dardarian medicine may appear unorthodox to you and I, but I tell you it does work.” He spoke with authority now. “Your niece will be healed. A lot faster, and with a lot less pain than earth’s more primitive medicine could ever hope to offer her!”

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