School Beats! (Part 2)

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"Why are you sending us to school?" Clay asked.

"Because you boys are busy making music that you don't time to make friends with the other trolls," RosiePuff said.

"We don't need school," John Dory said.

"Yeah," Spruce said, "We know a lot of stuff already."

"I know, but I think that you will like school," RosiePuff said.

At Night:

"Good night boys," RosiePuff said.

"Good night Grandma," the boys said.

Then RosiePuff turned off the lights and left the room.

"How bad do you think school's going to be?" Clay asked.

"Really really really bad," John Dory said.

"Come on John," Floyd said, "How would you know? None of us have gone to school before."

"Well I've seen the other trolls go to school and come out from school," John Dory said, "And from what I've seen it's not good. They make you carry huge textbooks, give you work to do at home, and worst of all no one has fun in school." 

"No fun!" Clay said

"Afraid so," John Dory said.

"Calm down guys," Spruce said, "At least we'll be there together."

"Yeah," Floyd said, "And we'll meet a lot of new friends."

"I'm with Floyd on that," Spruce said, "Think about all the trolls that we'll meet."

"Yeah you just can't wait to meet the ladies," Clay said in a teasing way.

The Next Morning:

The boys were getting dressed for school.

John Dory put on black pants and a turquoise hoodie. Spruce put on white shirt, a denim jacket, and grey pants. Clay put on a white shirt, black pants, and a green zip up hoodie jacket. Floyd put on his green leafy vest and white shorts. Branch was wearing a diaper.

"Good morning boys!" RosiePuff said excitedly.

"Morning Grandma," the boys said.

"Ready for school?" she asked.

"Yes," Spruce and Floyd said.

"No," Clay and John Dory said.

"Okay," she said, "Well make sure you eat something before we go."

They ate breakfast and then headed to school.

Outside school:

"Welcome," a troll said, "You must be BroZone."

"Yes we are," Spruce said.

"I'm Mrs. Blossom the principal of the school," she said, "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Floyd said.

"Let me be the first to say," Mrs. Blossom said, "Welcome to Music High."

"Thanks," Spruce said.

"I'll see you boys after school," RosiePuff said.

"Bye Grandma," BroZone said and they gave their grandmother a hug.

"Well school's about to start," Mrs. Blossom said, "Better get inside."

"Come on," Floyd said.

"Let's Bro!" Spruce said.

They went inside.

In school:

"Here are your schedules," Mrs. Blossom said, "You also get to choose 4 of the many extra activities to learn in the school."

"Cool," Spruce said.

"Excuse me," Floyd said, "Why doesn't Branch have a schedule?"

"Because Branch is a baby he's not old enough to take classes," Mrs. Blossom said, "It's a rule. He has to be in preschool with the other babies."

"I'll be separated from my brothers," Branch said.

"Only for classes," Mrs. Blossom said, "You'll have lunch and recess with them."

"Okay," Branch said, sad that he wasn't going to be with his brothers.

"I'll take you to the preschool classroom," Mrs. Blossom said, "The rest of you have to go to your first class."

So Mrs. Blossom carried Branch. to the preschool classroom. 

Preschool Classroom:

"Here you go," Mrs. Blossom said.

"Thanks," Branch said. 

"Hope you make some great friends," Mrs. Blossom said.

Then she left the room.

Branch was scared because he didn't know anyone there.

He tried to make friends with a green troll with blue hair, but then a purple troll with blue and green hair talked to the troll that Branch was trying to make friends with.

Branch thought that he couldn't make friends.

Then he saw a troll coming towards him.

"Hi," the troll said.

"Hi," Branch said.

"Are you new?" the troll asked.

"Yes," Branch said.

"What's your name?" the troll asked.

"Branch," he said.

"Nice to meet you Branch," the troll said, "I'm Ivy. Do you want to be friends?"

"Yeah," Branch said.

He was happy that someone wanted to be his friend.

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