
"Two weeks off and they want you back to the studio?"

Bronya was sitting down on the couch infront of me as I talked about my upcoming plans

Mei was cooking while Kiana talked to her

We dont want Kiana cooking...

"I told them I'll quit modeling if they dont give me the time off and they gave me the two weeks." I shrugged

Bronya sighed "You should stop using threats.."

"Whoops.. either way I think its time for me to head to Shibuya. I'll be meeting my teammates."

"Alright, have fun, (Nickname)."

I said my goodbyes and left. Now Im on my way to Shibuya

'Crap what if I find Mahito on the train..'

'Oh shut up.'


"Oh, did I came late?" I stood infront of the table

"(Name)!!" Reo waved at me

"Right on time, cutie." Karasu winked at me

"(Name)! You look so stylish today!" Aryu clapped for my outfit

Damn was I slaying today, hes damn right.

"Yoo.. the hottest chick is here." Otoya was drinking his coffee

"Ive heard alot about you from my modeling agency, I knew they were not wrong." Yukimiya smiled politely at me

"Thank you. Its nice to hear that coming from the Kenyu Yukimiya." I chuckled

I sat down between Karasu and Otoya. Reo and Yukimiya are now talking about the stock market, rich people things...

My head shot up as I heard a familiar voice and it was BACHIRAA

Bachira ran towards us as greeted us

I waved at Bachira, Isagi, and Chigiri

I was too busy playing on my phone to even pay attention to what they were talking

'No you rat- you need to use this.'


"(Name) Im carrying ya if youre not walking.."

I was still on the game, fuck everything else I need to win

"I warned ya."

I got scopped up in Karasu's arms and then I saw the game over screen

"You damn fucking-"

"Fiesty girls are hot, youre so damn right bro." Karasu chuckled and turned to Otoya who wanted to be the one who carried me


Welp atleast the place were walking to is an arcade. They told me were here to jump on Nagi... COUNT ME IN

Dual-Ego~☆ BLLKWhere stories live. Discover now