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TWS: Swearing, injury, making out, some slight smut(?), not proofread. (A character in this story is called 'Yuna' and she isn't based on anyone irl).

The early morning sun painted the high school track in shades of gold as Changbin laced up his running shoes, ready for another day of practice. His heart pounded with excitement, a familiar thrill that accompanied the rhythmic sound of shoes hitting the track. As a seasoned member of the school's track team, he had spent countless hours perfecting his form and pushing his limits alongside his close-knit group of friends.

Changbin's teammates gathered near the starting line, a mix of laughter and banter filling the air. Among them were his best friends: Chan, the charismatic captain who always had a word of encouragement; Hyunjin, the sprinter with lightning speed; and Felix, whose agility made him a formidable opponent in any event. Together, they formed a formidable quartet, pushing each other to new heights on the track.

The group's dynamic extended beyond the track itself. Changbin's other friends, Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin, were avid supporters who cheered from the sidelines during every meet. Their camaraderie made the track team feel like a tight-knit family, united by a shared passion for speed and competition.

Changbin was the team's all-star, a versatile athlete who could seamlessly fill any position. However, he had carved out a niche for himself in the 200m, where his explosive speed and precise technique made him a force to be reckoned with. As he approached the starting blocks, he felt the familiar adrenaline surge, a mix of nerves and anticipation that fueled his every step.

The coach blew the whistle, signalling the start of the day's practice. Changbin exploded off the blocks, his powerful strides eating up the track. Behind him, his friends watched in awe, knowing they were witnessing something special. The crisp air echoed with the sound of pounding feet and rhythmic breathing as the team pushed themselves to their limits.

Little did they know that this ordinary practice session would mark the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and the unbreakable bonds forged on the track. High school life had never been more exhilarating for Changbin and his friends, as they sprinted towards a future where their passion for running would lead them to unexpected places.

The day of the regional tournament had arrived, and the anticipation among the track team was palpable. The bus rumbled as it carried the athletes to the venue, excitement buzzing through the air. Changbin and his friends exchanged glances, their determination mirrored in each other's eyes.

As they reached the stadium, a sea of competitors from various schools awaited them. The atmosphere was electric, with the scent of competition hanging thick in the air. Changbin and his teammates warmed up on the track, a mixture of nerves and adrenaline coursing through their veins.

The first event was the 4x100m relay, a test of speed, precision, and teamwork. Changbin, Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix lined up, each athlete focused on the baton exchange and the task at hand. The gun went off, and they exploded down the track, their synchronized strides a testament to the hours of practice they had put in. The relay unfolded seamlessly, and as they crossed the finish line, the team erupted in cheers. Their hard work had paid off, and the first victory of the day set a positive tone for the rest of the tournament.

As the day progressed, Changbin continued to shine in the 200m, dominating the competition with his explosive bursts of speed. The cheers of his friends echoed in his ears as he crossed the finish line, claiming victory after victory. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and pride, the team revelling in the success they had achieved through their collective efforts.

However, the path to triumph wasn't without its challenges. In the midst of a heated 800m race, Hyunjin, the team's formidable sprinter, pushed himself to the limit. In the final stretch, he stumbled, a sharp gasp escaping from the spectators. The team held their breath as Hyunjin struggled to regain his footing, determination etched on his face. With a burst of strength, he managed to finish the race, crossing the line with a mix of exhaustion and relief.

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