Chapter 2

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Kagami sighed deeply as be thought back to his one in one with Aomine. How could he think he was hot? It was Aomine we were talking about. But he couldn't help it, the way he looked sweating and glistening under the sun emphasizing his dark skin.

Wait no stop. He can't think about this. Kagami shook the thouaway before biting into another burger before promptly sighing again. He'll sort it all out later.Right now...

"-gami kun. Kagami-kun." Kagami snapped his eyes up again to see Kuroko staring at him.

"Eh? Sorry Kuroko what was that?" Kagami asked grinning slightly.

Kuroko cocked his head a little concerned, "Are you ok? You look a tired. Do you want to leave?"

"No, no! I'm fine, fine!" Kagami said waving his hands in front of him. He scolded himself for getting lost in his thoughts when he was here at Maji Burger with Kuroko.

"Alright then." Kuroko took a sip of his vinilla shake, "So how was your one on one with Aomine-kun yesterday?"

Kagami almost chocked on his burger. Of all things, Kuroko had to choose that to talk about. "Oh, fine." Was all Kagami managed to get out.

Kuroko raised an eyebrow, "Just fine?" Damnit. Kuroko seemed to sense when he touched a subject Kagami didn't like and always pried into it.

"Yeah, fine." Kagami replied quickly and sipped on his soda.

Kuroko opened his mouth to reply when , "!!" He was then pounced on by an overly happy Momoi.

Kagami breathed a sigh of relief silently thanking her for coming in when he did.

"Hello, Momoi-san." Kuroko said to the bundle that was still clinging to him. She and Kuroko had been dating for some time now so Kagami had gotten used to the random outbursts of hugs from Momoi to her lover(Not that they weren't there before).

Kagami decided to use this as a chance to escape the situation.
"Well, Ill be leaving now Kuroko." He said while gathering all his trash and standing up.

"Yes, sorry about this Kagami-kun." Kuroko said while patting Momoi's head while she nuzzled in closer.

"Nah, its fine. See ya!" After that Kagami made his way to the door and threw away his mountain of trash.

When he made his way to the street his sighed again. All this sighing made him feel like an old man.

"Oh well." He said quietly before putting his hands behind his head and made his way home.


Aomine stared up at the blue sky with occasion clouds floating by while laying on the roof of his school. A nice warm breeze flew in, gently ruffling his hair and clothes. Birds chirped in small intervals. Nothing too loud or annoying. Just right.

He smiled slightly to himself. Today was a good day.

Suddenly the roof door flung open with a loud bang! "Dai-chan!" A loud voice yelled and instantly Aomine knew who it was.

"Satsuki." He groaned. It suddenly wasn't such a great day anymore. He heard small footsteps rush up to the lander and climbed up to him.

"Dai-chan, you should be in class! If you keep ditchingg so many you're gonna get in a lot of trouble!" She huffed leaning over him.

"Right, right." He said while rolling over onto his side.

"What if the school decides to expel you for never coming to class!" She continued rambling about about 'what is this' and 'what if that.' He tuned out quickly before hearing the mention of Kagmai's name.

Aokaga (Aomine x Kagami) Light LoveWhere stories live. Discover now