Chapter two

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Hello! I am hoping to get this chapter out soon, I just ate breakfast and am still hungry... But let's ignore that! On to the book! Maddie will come into play later, so don't you all worry:)

I feel someone nudge me awake, and I'm up almost instantly. I take my time to open my eyes, it helps with adjusting to the light-

Where am I? I look around, and see the rangers cabin. Oh right. The events of last night come back to me. I look back at the person who woke me up. It's Gillian, but he doesn't seem as mad as last night. Without a word he stands up and walks over to the others who are pulling on their boots.

A blanket slides off me as I get up. Huh, so rangers aren't all that uncaring. A small smile tugs at my lips but I keep it hidden. I tug my boots back on, having taken them off when I fell onto the couch, and walk up to the others.

Gillian places a firm hand on my shoulder, probably to ensure that I don't try to make a run for it or something. Then we head up to the castle. I hear their horses call out a little goodbye to them. That's actually really cute. I suddenly become aware their eyes on me for an odd amount of time.

"Do you guy's need something..?" I laugh a little at the end. 

"Yeah. Where'd you get those boots." So the famous Halt finally decided to speak up.

"Found em'" The less information I give the better. What would rangers even say if they found out that not only did I steal them, but that they were most likely going to another ranger.

"Did you just so happen to find them at The Shoein?" Oh. So they already figured it out. I just keep walking. My silence should be enough for them. They aren't asking for them back though, so that's a good sign.

We reach the main gate, and enter in. The guards give me a partly sympathetic look, having seen me surrounded by three rangers. We walk up to the Barons office, and I suddenly become aware of just how badly this could end for me.

They knocked on the door and after a few seconds, the Baron called for us to enter. I must say I don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it. The children of the ward were here, along with the other craftmasters.

"Ah! Calypso, just in time." Baron Arlad claps his hands together and all attention turns back to him. I'm led to my place in the line, and I stand there while waiting for something to happen. I have the slightest feeling that my face is just a little bit pink.

"It's choosing day." Aaron one my wardmates whispers to me. If I had to take anyone with me, I'd take Aaron. He is the only one who doesn't ask questions and get's on with it. I nod my head, showing him that I had heard him. 

"Aaron Lecine. What craft do you wish to take." Aaron steps forward so that all the craftmasters could see him properly.

"I wish to attend Battle school sir." Sir Rodney steps forward and takes a good long look at him. Without asking him any questions, he accepts him into battle school, while telling him that it won't be easy.

"And lastly, Calypso." I start to step forward  but Martin, the Barons secretary, started yelling about something about my last name. I tuned him out for the first half of it. 

"Calypso was it? What is your last name." He asks, turning his stern glare towards me. 

"I don't have one sir." I say giving him the same cold glare back. He huffs and turns around.

"Very well then. Cary on." I see the Baron let off a small laugh, but he covered it with a cough. I start to open my mouth to say that I don't really know yet, but I am cut off.

"She will be a Ranger." I snap my head over to where now, it's just Will, standing there. I had completely forgot that he was there. I debate on weather to just accept my fate, or to let my sarcasm fly.

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