Y/n: "Mornin' Sammy Sam Sam"

Jenna: "Good morning Sam"

Sam raised her head as she turned to look at the both of you.

Sam: "It's morning yes but is it good no not at all"

Y/n: "Why not?"

Sam: "Because I wasn't able to sleep last night"

Y/n: "What do you mean you didn't sleep last night?"

Sam: "Maybe just maybe because the walls in this fucking house are so fucking thin that I could hear the both of you doing it all the way down the fucking hall"

Y/n: "Oh shit you heard us"

Sam: "Sadly yes"

Y/n: "I'm so fucking sorry about that"

Sam: "Sorry won't do shit, but you know what will"

Y/n: "No, what?"

Sam: "Therapy will, because what I heard last night was traumatizing"

Y/n: "Shut the fuck up its not like you haven't done it before with your bf and I've also heard you yet I don't complain" 

Sam: "......"

Y/n: "What I thought" 

Jenna just sat at the kitchen counter next to Sam as she listened to you and Sam while she tried not to giggle at your conversation. You turned to look at Jenna when she couldn't keep her giggles in anymore and just burst out into laughter.

Y/n: "Oh shit I'm sorry I forgot you were still here and that you had to witness that, anyways what would you like to eat for breakfast?"

Jenna: It's ok, I could go for some toast or pancakes right now"

Y/n: "Ok, some toast and pancakes coming right up"

You entered the kitchen and grabbed an apron before putting it on and grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster while you also grabbed everything that you would need to prepare and make the pancakes with. Jenna just sat there and watched you prepare the food, she couldn't help but to think about how sexy it was seeing you in an apron. She felt herself become even more attracted towards you, which she found very appealing to see what kind of effect you had on her. You seemed so natural with the way you prepared the food and it was a turn on for her. After a few minutes you finished making breakfast and serving her some in a plate before handing it over to her.

Y/n: "My lady your breakfast is served, also would you like something to drink?"

You said playfully. She laughed softly and grabbed her plate. In all seriousness, it was very appealing for her when you called her that. It made her a little bit excited, but she couldn't express that to you just yet.

Jenna: "Your lady is thankful that she has gotten a proper treatment this morning, your service is very admirable. As far as something to drink goes, I could go for some orange juice"

Y/n: "One oj, on the way"

You turned around and walked to one of the kitchen cabinets getting a cup and then towards the fruit bowl that was located in the counter and got two oranges before grabbing a cutting board and knife to cut the oranges and then putting them into the juice maker and pouring it into the cup before handing it to her.

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